olive egger

  1. JuliaWesterbeek

    Sick Chicken - Possible Gapeworm, Coccidia...

    I have an Olive Egger hen who has been yawning (as if something is stuck in her throat) regularly for the past few days. Other than the yawning, she was very active, eating well, etc. However, today I saw her sleeping/resting more than normal, and when feeding mealworms she was not as excited...
  2. green_thumb

    Mystery chick with crest- legbar?

    I had thought this girl was a wellsummer until a couple days ago when she started developing a crest. She is four weeks old today. She came from Meyer so my options are cream legbar, olive egger, or lakeshore egger I think. Any thoughts? She’s one of my bravest and most personable chicks, I...
  3. E

    Gender in question...

    I have most of my new flock figured out except these two black/copper Olive Eggers - they’re almost 8 weeks Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas over BCM. This is my 12 week old Ollie who I’m quite certain is a pullet. Jazzy and Thorn are the 2 in question. My guess is pullets also. Their combs have...
  4. HeatherKellyB

    Hello from newbie in NC

    Hi! I am so happy to be part of this amazing site! I have already learned so much in the past couple of days while reading over a few things. My daughter's second grade class hatched some chicks and we ended up getting the last 3. We have 1 Barred Rock and 2 that are a project the farm (where...
  5. B99C6C61-2B5A-49BF-A029-982D2D4941BA


    Blurry images of chicks. They wouldn’t stay still and they didn’t like the flash. Oops. Does anyone want to guess as to what any of these chicks breeds are?
  6. KikiDeAnime

    Chicken eggs for sale (For eating!)

    We're getting more eggs than we can eat up within the week. I'm going to sell some so they don't go to waste. MUST pick up! $4/Dozen +$2 for any egg added onto the order. Here's a picture of the eggs we collected from our hens All eggs pictured above are from this week. Anyone who buys...
  7. Darmamommy

    $60 for 6 Laying hens for sale (La Center WA)

    6 laying hens for sale: 1 Olive Egger 2 years old 1 Blue Lace Wyandotte 2 years old 2 Ameracaunas 2 years old 2 Barred Rock 1 year olds All laying and healthy. Just need to reduce the flock before the pullets can be put with the rest of the group. $60 OBO
  8. JDS Ranch

    F2 Olive Egger Girls @ Riggins FANCY Chickens-NPIP

    F2 OLIVE EGGER GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS....$10 each (1 to 2 weeks old) Also have a few Cream Crested Legbar girls available $10 each MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PARENTS: The pen consists of 1 Blue Birchen Maran Rooster (direct GFF) over (2) F1 Cuckoo Olive Egger hens (CCL Roo x Bev Davis Maran hen)...
  9. KikiDeAnime

    Our first green egg!! (Olive Egger egg)

    Juniper, our Olive Egger, finally laid an egg!! Now we currently have 8 layers and are waiting on the last bird to start.
  10. Marme

    crossing a wyandotte and a cream legbar?

    So I'm completely new to chicken genetics and was looking up how olive egger chickens come to be. I know if you have a marans rooster and a blue egg laying hen like an ameraucana or legbar you can hatch out an olive egger. I was curious what you would get with a blue laced red wyandotte...
  11. BigBlueHen53

    Glad to be here!

    Hi, all! I'm new to the forum as a member, finally figured out how to get registered, lol - but have had chooks for almost 10 years. Last year all 5 of my Buff Orps went broody on me and we ended up with 8 chicks hatched. Of the 4 that survived to adulthood, 1 is a rooster (so now we have 2)...
  12. GerdyBirdy

    Pullet or Cockerel?!

    Hiiiii.. I have 2 Olive Eggers aged 8 weeks and I'm uncertain if they are male or female. The lighter brown one has a large pink comb with waddles so I tend to think male and the darker brown one has a short comb with barely anything on its neck so I'm leaning toward female. I've posted pics of...
  13. GerdyBirdy

    Cockerel or not?

    Hiiii.. I have 2 Olive Eggers aged 8 weeks and I am unsure if they're male or female. I posted pics of each with one being the lighter brown and the other the darker brown. Any help in identifying if their sex is greatly appreciated!
  14. LULA Pottery

    Black Olive Egger cockerel? 8 weeks old with photos.

    I think I may have gotten this kid's gender figured out but would love some opinions. This chick is almost 8 weeks old and comes from watered down Marans hen parentage with an Olive Egger roo father. The last photo is the sort of cockerel I think it's going to be. -Thank you.
  15. Labelles Velders

    Would this cross be sex-linked?

    If I crossed a Buff Ameraucana rooster with a Cuckoo Marans hen, would the offspring be sex-linked? If so, any estimate to differences in appearance? It would be interesting to produce a sex-linked olive egger. Thank you for reading!
  16. H

    What color eggs will a Cream Legbar Hen & Golden Cuckcoo Maran Rooster have?.

    I have Cream Legbar hens that were breed by golden Cuckoo Maran. I also have Americauna hens bred by a Golden CixkoC Matan. What color will the eggs be?
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