
  1. Countryhippie

    ASAP - Questions About Early Egg Laying

    Hello everyone, So on August 5th, 2021 I adopted 6 supposedly pullets, but two turned out to be roosters. That makes my flock 2 Roosters and 4 Hens. So far no issues with aggression between the roosters, one rooster is mating with the hens however. My hens are only a little over 15 weeks and I...
  2. The chicken nurd

    Questions about ordering online

    Hi So ignoring that I’m not getting chicks for a few months my question is this I’ve been considering ordering online so I’ll have more options but I’ve never done that before I’ve always just bought chicks from the local feed store Should I try ordering online this coming spring and if so...
  3. SilkieChickii

    What happens if a Ayam Cemani is albino?

    I'm not sure if it belongs in this specific thread but I'm sure its fine. I've been wondering what happens if the completely black chicken comes out albino? I don't have Ayam Cemani myself but I have wondered this question for a while.
  4. C

    Submissive rooster

    Hi guys! I need help. I have eight chickens that were four months old when we got a rooster that was three months old. He is a silver laced Orpington and is double their size. Their breeds are black sex linked, red sex linked and blue azure. They have been bullying HIM for almost two months now...
  5. Puddingtheamericana

    Quail eggs hatching on day 24

    i’m currently incubating some quail eggs for the 4th time. 1st try was success, the rest weren’t, and now i’m doing it again. every time we hatched quails, they either poked a hole or completely got out all on days 23-24. which i thoguht was normal bc i had read it was 25 days, which i’m glad i...
  6. Fallenone05

    Female specific color

    If I've misread something and misunderstood, I'll definitely take the points and giggles. I feel like I've read somewhere that there's a female specific feather pattern that isn't sex-linked. My attempts to Google only bring up sex-linked birds. My brain says it's some kind of wild-type or...
  7. Silkie_Mom

    Fowl Pox: To cull or not to cull?

    It seems to be mosquito season for so many this time of year, which has led me down a fowl pox rabbit hole. I've read dozens of articles about the virus and the vaccine and protecting your flock. The articles seem to skip over what happens to birds that are already/currently infected. Wet pox...
  8. luckysamara199

    Why are my chickens fighting?

    Hello! So I have 5 chickens at my house a 6 at a ranch. Today I took my 5 chickens to the ranch to meet the other batch of chickens for the first time. When we got there they started fighting each other even the hens were fighting my rooster. Does anyone know why they fought?
  9. P

    Female quail turned into a bully after reintroduction - help!

    Hi! I'm brand new here but have used other people's questions as resources for my quail and chickens for a while. I just can't find any answers to my particular problem, so I thought I would register and turn to you all for help. First off, I have three cotturnix quail hens in a decently large...
  10. D

    Small success! Female hanging with ducklings

    Hey all! Just wanted to share a small success. I had two 16 wk drakes and one hen when I got a few more babies last week. The drakes werent letting the babies eat or drink and kept chasing them. Had the drakes processed yesterday morning and the hen has been guarding/warming the babies (5 wks-10...
  11. v4lentine_

    is strombergs legit ?

    ive been wanting to buy a pigeon for a while now , and ive been looking at strombergs sellection of pigeons , has anyone bought pigeons from strombergs ? if so is it reliable ? id like to know before commiting to buying one !
  12. katelyn19

    Showable Call duck?

    I have the chance to buy a call drake out of exhibition lines, but i didn’t know if he was more pet quality or if he was breeder/show quality and was wondering if anyone could tell me before I purchase him? I already have pet quality ducks and want to work towards show quality. Thanks
  13. K

    One of two chicks died.

    I got 2 chicks from a store on the 16th. They were both a little sick. We were going to get 3 chicks, but the mother didn’t want her to go. Unfortunately, we were informed that the 3rd had died, the mother was sick. The male chick has blue around his eyes, he doesn’t open them a lot. The female...
  14. B

    Would this design work with silkies?

    I have one rooster, and one hen. (My other hen recently died) they are both silkies. I live in north Alabama. It gets hot here and it does rain. They have a very traditional coop right now but it has become infested with flies (!!!!) and I’m moving. So new coop time. Wood ain’t cheap right now...
  15. M

    Duckling advice

    Hi, I came home and found that my mother bought 5 ducks from the local tractor supply. She brought feed (Purina Flock Raiser Crumbles Premium Poultry Feed) that the store gave her along with a Kiddie pool and pine chips for bedding. I have since done some research on how to better care for them...
  16. ninja333pirate

    feeding chicks

    So my boyfriend is looking to raise chicks to sell when they are older, but he is trying to find a way to feed the chicks so that it is worth doing that without loosing money. buying from the feed store we can get a 25lb bag of chick starter at coastal for $10.99. He thinks at that he would be...
  17. luckysamara199

    Is it normal for chicks to have green poo??

    hello, thank you for taking the time to answer and read this question. I have 3 polish chicks. They are 2 months old I noticed that their poo was a dark green today. I’m not sure if it’s normal or not and I was wondering if anyone has any advice or tips if this is normal or not? I’ve never seen...
  18. luckysamara199

    Should I give my chickens gapeworm treatment even if they don’t have symptoms of it?

    hello! First of all thank you for taking the time to read and answer this question. :) so I have 3 polish chicks they are 2 months old I noticed one of them hizzing and gasping for air and I googled it and gapeworms showed up but I’m not sure if he has it? Should I give my chickens gapeworm...
  19. J

    Help baby chick

    So a mama was broody on eggs, and a couple hatched but after the second day of the hatching she left the eggs. Once she left them, and didn’t touch them for a couple day I decided to grab the eggs and put it in the incubator, in case of any late hatches. in the end one chick hatched, this was...
  20. Gerby26

    My entire flock has wet feather?

    I have yearling muscovies and all of their oil glands just seem to not be working properly, some are partially working while two girls just are dry and have no oil at all, they have access to a full yard of grass and have fresh water to bathe in everyday. I don't know what to do about it, all I...
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