
  1. J

    Thoughts on my 8 week old Japanese Bantam?

    My little jap bantams are 8 weeks old. The black one has a slightly larger comb than the other two I have (not pictured) but it's not bright red and no waddle development. Is this a female or a late developing male? Photo of its "brother" hatched hours apart, same breed and quite obviously a...
  2. T

    How can we tell a button quail's sex it it is fully white?

  3. D

    Help identifying breeds?

    So my sister and I bought three new chickens from some people nearby today. They had a LOT of different chickens and breeds in their small barn (really a shed), and couldn't really tell us what was what. We know that one chicken is a Silkie (though we're not sure boy or girl), and we can't ID...
  4. Kikai

    Mystery chickens!!

    I got 4 eggs from a farm and decided to try and hatch them in my incubator. 2 were fertile and hatched. I have no idea what breed or sex they are. Because they are farm chicks, I guessed initially by shell color and chick color that they were some type of sex linked breed, which would make...
  5. Solemn Opossum

    Male or Female Black Indian Runner (Posted to the Chicken section by accident!)

    (I'm dumb and posted this to the chicken sexing forum instead of the one for ducks, and I don't know how to delete my thread so I can move it; I'm sorry.) Is Twisty a boy or a girl? He is the one making the raspy whistle sound (sorry about all the conflicting duck sounds, this was their first...
  6. shammond

    4 week old Pekin Bantam sex?

    Hi all, I currently have 5 chicks who are all around 4 weeks old. We chose to get a few different breeds, but this has made it very difficult to sex them as we have nothing to compare to! This baby is Dumpling, a Pekin Bantam, and of course I am hoping all chicks will be pullets, but I am...
  7. K Mole

    Rhode Island Red and Ameraucana chicks gender question

    Hello, When I was a kid my family raised a lot of chickens as pets, (like flocks of 40-60 at a time). I just bought my first home with my husband and son and thought it would be great to get a few back yard chickens. My husband and I went out and got these two chicks. We were told they were...
  8. N

    Hen or roo??? 4 cute Plymouth rock

    Hi there!! I am new to this and i have 4 cute 3.5 months old chickens. I think they are Plymouth Rock... Would like to grow them for eggs only so no roo's pls. Can you help? Im uploading 4 pics so pls answer in order of 1 to 4 and the sex, and if you can why do you think that. Thanks!!!! 1...
  9. C

    Buff Orpington Male or Female?

    19-week-old Buff Orpington. Not crowing or anything, but the wattles and comb seem larger than what I've seen in pictures of hens.
  10. panamamama

    Fayoumi- male or female?

    We rescued this dumped chicken (I think Egyptian Fayoumi) last week. I thought it was a female but now I'm wondering. It's been in with my girls a week and mounting them all now and long feathery feathers coming in. Doesn't crow, but doesn't make any noise. What do you think?
  11. G

    What sex and breed do you think this goose is?

    Hi! I'm from New Zealand and a wild bird enthusiast. My partner and I have been regularly feeding this very cute goose when we go on walks and we are unsure what its sex would be/its breed. It's definitely an adult as it's hung around the area for about 4 years now. We assumed it was a male...
  12. A

    Cochin pullets! Or are they?!

    So the ONE time I buy sexed pullets, I’m kicking myself because these BOTH look like cockerels.... but I’ve never had Cochins so I want other opinions....( thinking maybe they are different because of their breed? I honestly don’t know much about the breed, except that they have “fuzzy” legs...
  13. ansmith1999

    8 week silkie sex

    hello all (again!) after discovering one of my shes is really a he, I've decided to ask my sister if she'd be willing to take him in the future to keep him in the family. She's unsure of the sex of one of her silkies and obviously won't be able to take him if her she is also a he. Not sure if...
  14. ansmith1999

    showgirl sexing

    hello all, a few weeks ago my family bought 2 showgirls from someone in town, at this point i believe they’re about 15/16 weeks old. One of them (the one with the naked neck) acts very aggressively (shuffles sideways when they get close, bites their tail feathers and will not let go) towards...
  15. M

    Boy or girl?

    Meet my New Hampshire Red, Clementine. I heard they are easy to tell the gender as chicks. Any guesses?
  16. S

    Duck bread/sex?

    Hey everyone, does anybody know what kinda of ducks these are? And possibly their sex? We just recently got them from our neighbor and they werent sure. White one was fully white when we got it, starting to get a bit yellow underneath. Brownish one was pretty much brown with some white, now its...
  17. katie9221

    Is this a rooster?

    Hello all! I have some ameraucana chickens that are about 4 months old. I'm thinking one is a rooster and one is a hen, what are your thoughts? The first two pictures are of the suspected male and the second two are the suspected female.
  18. K1MM11

    BLRW and GLBW gender help please! - Wyandottes

    Hi there! So I have a gender question, as my now 8 week old chicks have had me stumped these past few weeks. They are all Wyandottes but they are a mixed bunch of colours. All of the chicks feathered at the same rate, and about two weeks ago three started growing their combs. The other three...
  19. 8

    Please tell me Nugget is a lady...

    This is Nugget... She's our last remaining big girl. I think she's about 15 weeks old (bought all the fuzzy-butts on May 2). We bought six bantams and six ameraucana (EE?) and the other five big ladies turned out to be roos, but we were so sure our Mama Nugget was a she. All the boys were way...
  20. Myrtle Hen

    Sex predictions please.

    Hello, I'm brand new here, though I've dipped in and out as a lurker many times over the years. Great forum :) I wondered if anyone would be kind enough to give their opinion of the sex of my 8 week (just over) chick. I was leaning towards pullet, probably because that's what I hope she/he is...
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