
  1. Bestest Tomato Bisque

    Bestest Tomato Bisque

    Ingredients: Two cans diced tomatoes 1 64 oz. container tomato juice 1/2 C pesto 1 pint heavy cream 2 t Chicken Bouillon (leave out, if desired...just add 1 t onion powder for flavor) Salt and Pepper, to taste Directions: Place all ingredients in a stock pot over medium heat. Simmer until...
  2. ChickChic00

    Natural feed?

    Would homegrown variety of vegetables and homegrown mealworms be sufficient feed? No chicken feed or anything. Basically natural feeding like a while back, except I'm growing mealworms for them to eat too. Any help is appreciated!!
  3. Everose


    Do you love okra as much as I do? I eat it straight off the plant.
  4. Utilizing the Parrot Chop Principle to Improve Chicken Diets

    Utilizing the Parrot Chop Principle to Improve Chicken Diets

    Let me begin by saying I am NOT in favor of forgoing a commercial chicken feed for my girls. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for an individual to formulate a nutritionally complete diet for chickens on their own. However, I am encouraging the use of healthy, nutritionally dense fresh...
  5. M

    Will quails eat poisonous plants in a large enclosure?

    Ok so I plan to put quite a few quails on an all enclosed garden of mine. It's basically an aviary, but without birds. I've heard that parsley, eggplant, and onion is poisonous for quails, but I've also heard that they won't eat the plants if they aren't starving. The plants are in separate...
  6. Goosebaby

    Do you grow vegetables for your geese?

    This year my garden has been “meh” I think the earwigs are eating everything again and I’ve been too busy with taking care of my Roxby Gander while he hasn’t been feeling well so I haven’t done a lot of weeding or anything down in the garden, but so far I have: Some pumpkins finally sprouting...
  7. carolineamur

    Elioenai Farm

    keeper of goats, chickens, ducks & k-9s❤️ And a garden with veggies and fruit trees Reva Virginia
  8. BReeder!

    What would you put in your garden for poultry?

    We currently have chickens (8), turkeys (2), ducks (4) and quail (lots!). Although it's the dead of winter here in Illinois this time of year, Spring is not very far off. We will be prepping the garden in late March and starting to plant in mid/late April. We like to grow all sorts of...
  9. A

    Why won't my chickens be quiet?!?

    I have three chickens - two Isa browns and one leghorn. I sleep right next to my chickens so when I'm still sleeping peacefully the chickens have woken up and are squawking constantly, and I live in a close suburban street. They will not stop squawking unless they are given veggies that they...
  10. Sky5678

    Preventing salmonella and bacteria spreading to vegetable garden?

    Apologizes if this is the incorrect place to post this. I live in the city and my yard space is rather small (around ~150 square feet or so). I was thinking of getting quail and they'll be confined to a run. However my family does own a vegetable garden, and I'm worried if quail waste will be...
  11. Scotty from BI

    do dark yellow or orange yolks mean they are healthier.

    I have been raising chickens for about 8 years. I have 10 hens now about 1.5 years old. They are confined to a partially covered dirt run and very spacious coop. The run is quite large about 90 feet by about 6-8 feet with plenty of perches and ladders for them to move around in and on. I...
  12. Chelsea-85

    Daily Vegetables Feeding

    Dears all, I daily feed my chickens vegetables (when I say daily I mean it 'everyday') and they love it and eat it all. Is feeding vegetables to chickens safe for them? I give them spinach, lettuce, Corinder leaf, celery, collards, mustard greens etc.. I know that vegetables are good, but are...
  13. Button Quail 123

    Any Advice On Aquaponics (Flood and Drain) With Tilapia?

    Well, the title pretty much sums it up: Does anyone have any advice? Thanks, and Happy Holidays, Button Quail 123 :)
  14. Johnny829

    Frequencies of feeding veggies to mealworms

    Hey guys, I watched some videos about how frequent people feed veggies to their mealworms. And some say occasionally, so my guess would be like a piece of carrot for two weeks or even longer? Some say replace the old ones when you realized it's all dried out. And some say always provide them...
  15. Palestinian Farmer

    Raised bed as a permanent residence!

    Hello everybody, I just had a crazy idea, and I wanted to run it through you guys:- Introduction: I have a large farm of mostly olive trees, fig trees, pomegranate trees, and guava trees. The trees are planted in rows, and there is a 6 m (20 ft) between each tree. I currently plant vegetables...
  16. foolishcop

    Feed v. Vegetables

    Because a local fruit & vegetable store throws out tons of castoffs every day, I have daily access to an unlimited supply of fresh vegetable scraps. Is it okay to allow them to simply eat this supply, which they happen to love, or do they need to be supplemented with commercial feed? Currently...
  17. PirateGirl

    Coop-top Garden? Pallet Garden?

    I have been toying with the idea of making a coop-top garden. Has anyone done this? Pros? Cons? Successes? Failures? Advice? Also toying with the idea of a pallet garden or using a pallet I have to make a coop-top/run-top garden. This would also shelter the chickens from the elements...
  18. H

    No taste for greens

    Hi everyone, My chickens somehow just hate veggies. Brocoli, Spinnach, Silverbeat, Carrots, Cabbage, And any other veggies ( Greens in particular ), They won’t eat. They get plenty of grass and bugs to eat, We feed them lots of fruit, Meat, Infact I make them fruit smoothies ( Out of scrap...
  19. A

    Introduction to my backyard

    My name is Albin Ortiz from Santiago Dominican Republic I started with chickens about 18 month ago and I am loving it. I first got 8 layers and a Roster in a narrow back alley of my house . That was a. Big negotiation with my wife that is not a animal lover. Now I have expended to a 4,000 sf...
  20. pclark17

    Letting chickens clear the garden

    Is there any considerations I need to make before letting my hens have access to our summer garden space now that everything has just about ended production? We have green bean plants, okra, tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapenos, and some squash plants. I want to give them free run of the space but...
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