
  1. Diveks

    My Chicken is not active and is opening her mouth

    My polish chicken has not been as active as the other chickens this Week. She is 8 months old. Also she has been opening her mouth a lot like she is hot even when its cool outside. I have seperated her from the other chickens So i can closely monitor her. She is eating and drinking normaly. She...
  2. P

    Can't make any Sound?

    My chicken is only about 26 days old :( She was strong and perfect till yesterday. Jumps on my lap whenever she wants and fall asleep. It's the same for today too. But idk what happened to her this morning. She is trying hard to make sound but can't. Looks so weak :( Also she's sneezing every...
  3. E

    Please Help! Sick Bird, I don't know what's wrong

    Hi, my favorite bird who is more of my freind than a my chicken is sick and I don't know what's wrong. She won't eat, even when I offer her her favorite treat. When I offered her the treat she put her beak to it as if she wanted it then just layed her head in my hand. I did see her drink a...
  4. mimoo1234

    Splayed leg

    my chicks hatches late last night and early this morning. My cream crested legbar chick seems to have a splayed leg that she's just sticking out behind her. I've used the rubber band a straw method to brace it with her other one but now she's just poking both of them out behind her... she seems...
  5. Choochoo

    Sweedish Blue Female Duck down! Help!

    She is one of two sisters abut 4-5 years old. The other female is fine. But the other is weak and mostly wants to sit sometimes head out sometimes tucked. When I approach her she gets up to move away. She is not eating that I can see and does not respond to treats like normal - doesn't even...
  6. Wehner Homestead

    Hen with Contracted Feet, Off-Balance

    I have a almost 3 yr old laying Isa Brown that got sick last Friday (10 days ago.) She had been more isolated the day before. She is eating/drinking as long as we keep things close. She is in a small crate to keep her from being picked on. She was with three other hens that seem to be fine. She...
  7. Aryetheral Waalburgus

    Hen With Really Weak Feathers and Soft Eggs

    Hello! I have included many photos at the bottom. I have a two and one quarter year old Red Sex Link (named Ariana) who has always laid enormous hard-shelled eggs. In the last two months, however, she has laid continually worse eggs. In mid-April, she started every two days or so laying eggs...
  8. CannysChicks

    Weak and sick duckling

    I have a two week old Cayuga duckling. Earlier yesterday afternoon I noticed she was acting kinda weird; not walking as much, laying down a lot, not fast to react, ect. However, she was moving around just fine with my other two ducks (1 1/2 month old Black Runner & 3 week old Blue Runner). I...
  9. L

    Help With Weak Silkie Mix Chick?

    Hello, everybody! I currently have seventeen silkie chicks in the brooder, and one is very weak. I separated it with two others, and it's not eating nor drinking on its own since yesterday. I woke up this morning with a heavy heart, expecting it to have passed away, but it was fine, just weak. I...
  10. M

    Duckling not walking/can't keep his head up.

    I wokw up this morning to one of my month old ducklings not being able to walk. He can't even spread his toes or stand. He just lies down and TRIES to chirp but nothing comes out. His head is also very wobbly, he can't keep jia head up and honestly kind of looks drunk with a weird head roll. He...
  11. L

    Indian Runner to weak to stand

    I saw her eating yesterday and getting in and out of the pool but this morning she was too weak to get in by herself but she was eating like crazy when I offered her food. I put poultry vitamins and electrolytes in her water and since I didn't know what was wrong I also gave her some water with...
  12. Tilly6

    Help! 4 day old gosling no longer peeping acting very weak

    Please Help! I'm so worried! The gosling still has umbilical cord, gets pasty butt and now is just stumbling and bobbing its head. Hardly any peeping. More like a squeak. She has starter crumbles, unmedicated. Nutridrench and electrolytes in her water. Brinsea brooder plate for warmth and a...
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