Hi everyone. My 22 week old Welsummer is supposed to be a hen, I think it's a hen, but now I'm not so sure. It's tail feathers are hen-ish but it has big wattles, a big comb, and a pretty deep voice. What do you think? (I'll post tail pictures soon.)
Note: My roosters the same age are really...
Hi, I've been told this is a 1 week old welsummer pullet chick but it doesn't look like the welsummer images on Google. Can someone please confirm what breed and gender this chick is?
Thank you :)
Hello from another Ohioan! I got my first flock in 2014, and raised them from day-old chicks. I've never had more than six at a time. My current flock consists of Don Williams, a golden buff rooster, and four hens: Auntie Whispers (welsummer), Lorna (golden buff), Beatrice (golden buff) and...
Hello! This 6-wk-old chick is from my Golden Buff roo and Welsummer hen. It was the only hatchling, so I have no other reference point for this mix. Can anyone tell me whether it is a cockerel or a hen?
Thank you in advance!
This post is to gauge interest and hopefully find some helpful resources.
I'm in the process of possibly filing for divorce (not definite yet).
When I look at future housing options it looks like it may be difficult to find a place that will let me bring my 3 sweet feather babies with me.
Hello, all. I have an 8 year old Welsummer who has been really struggling the last few days. The main symptom is that she's lost a lot of balance and mobility. She was suddenly wobbly four days ago, which I figured was just the heat, as it was over 100 degrees that day; though no other hens in...
Adventures in Easter Eggers. Five are from a local breeder who have a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana as their sire (she breeds Blue Wheaten) and the other four are Americana(Easter Eggers from TSC/Hoover's)
This is just to track their cuteness!!! 😍 Because I have to share!
Hatch: March 15
Hi everyone! Okay so I know it’s impossible to pinpoint this batch of chicks’ specific breeds, but I’m curious if y’all have any ideas of parent breeds, potential feathering patterns, or what breeds might be the most prominent based on what the chick looks like right now. Obviously just for fun...
i got a flock of rare/standard chicks delivered, still trying to figure out what these ladies are. any ideas?
i have 5 that look the exact same, although 3 have what appears to be pea combs and the others are a tad more pronounced and look like single combs. the photo above illustrates two...
G'day everyone from (not so) sunny Queensland, Australia. Big thank you for letting me join your online community. My wife and I have a 1 acre block and currently have 3 laying hens (ex-cage Hyline commercial layers) and recently acquired 6 pullets. 2 Welsummer, 2 Polish, Blue laced Barnevelder...
Hello all! My four girls are 22 weeks today received as day old chicks on 6/13. My Cuckoo Marans, Juillet, has become much more vocal this past week and is squatting when we go to pet her. She always crouched and tried to slink away, but now she sometimes just stands still and gets really flat...
I am new here - I’m located in selma, Ca and I started with 4 chicks in Feb 2023.. then I got 1 more.. then I got 2 more…. And then I got 3 more…. And I definitely don’t have plans to go see some more after work tomorrow…
Anyways, I currently have -
2 - RIR hens
2 - EE hens
4 - Welbar hens...
Hey there!! Does anyone have an Ameracauna (my Roo is a Blue) and bred it with a Welsummer? I'm wondering if the chicks will have beards and muffs. Is that automatic or will some have it and some not? I'd love to see pics if y'all have this mix, please. ❤️
$35 each
All hens, no roosters. They are 10 weeks old as of July 15th and will be 12 weeks old July 29th.
Available hens:
20 - Americana, lay pastel (green, pink and blue) eggs
20 - Noir marans, lay dark chocolate eggs
4 - Columbia rock cross, lay brown eggs
6 - Cuckoo marans, lay dark...