First time chicken owner here 👋
We got 5 assorted female rainbow layers from Meyer hatchery a month ago and I’m starting to speculate our Betty might not be a Betty 🤣 I believe she’s a welsummer! The others are 1 barred Rock, 2 Cochins, and 1 Ancona! All of the other girls crowns are barely...
for all of you new backyard chicken keepers (or even experienced ones who want a new breed) it is all ways hard choosing a good breed.
today i am going to go over the thing you need to ask your self before getting chickens.
#1 why do you want chickens?
.do you want them for eggs?
.do you...
Brand new to this chicken farm thing and have some 6-7 week old chicks. Hoping they are all pellets but could use some help! I’ve labeled and numbered each chicken. If you need more photos I can try and get more!!
This is a home bred cross from an Amerucana/Welsummer hen and a Welsummer rooster. I was thinking it’s a pullet but it’s starting to walk a bit too upright lately. 12 weeks old.
Acquired two Welsummer chicks from a local source, supposed to both be female. They'll have just turned six weeks and are developing quite differently, however. Specifically, one has a much more noticeably developed comb and different colorations. Being so young, they are quite hard to...
Hello all, new chicken mama Cassie here. I ordered 11 pullets from MMH that are now almost a month old, so of course I am now playing the paranoid “pullet or cockerel??” game. I thought I’d introduce the ladies and see if any of you experienced eagle-eyes notice something I hadn’t, especially if...
hi so i have a question about egg colour genetics: what happens if i cross a belgium bantam hen (of any kind) with a welsummer rooster and the other way around (and if you have any pictures of your chickens or eggs from this cross pleas post them) thanks :)
Hello everyone! New to the group and I was here looking for a little help. Feb 28th my chicks were shipped , I ordered from Cackle Hatchery. I ordered 3 Welsummer pullets, and 3 Barred rock pullets. They threw in a extra barred rock which turned out to be a cockerel. Now I’m questioning 2 of my...
I picked up a few hens since I'm planning on splitting my flock by size and my roo needed more ladies.
The lady told me two were Welsummer hens and two were cuckoo maran crosses. I don't particularly care about the breeds, if I have barnyard mixes that's totally fine with me as there's no plan...
I have hatched two rounds of Welsummer (rooster) X Cream Legbar chicks. This should produce sex-links. The chicks I suspect are males have very small head spots compared to other sex-links I have seen. What would cause them to not be as defined? My stock is from breeders and not hatchery...
I have 2 eggs in the incubator, hatching in 1 week. The eggs are from a partridge Welbar rooster over a Barred Rock hen. when this cross is done with a welsummer, the chicks are sex linked. Is this also Going to be the case over the welbar? Or is the extra barring going to change things?
In my...
Hello all! I am looking for hatching eggs to grow my flock. I am interested in bantam Ameraucana and Bantam Welsumers. I can pickup within two hours of 39465, Petal MS, or I’m open to having them shipped ☺️
Please help!!
I’ve noticed that as my Welsummer chicken, Cinnamon aka Cinnie Minnie, has started to look like a Hawk. I just mean her pattern, colors, and even her beak has a black spot reminiscent of a hawk. Were they bred to mimic the appearance of hawks as a way to deter hawks or was this just random?