
  1. alsykes2000

    14 1/2 week old welsummer pullets comb and wattle development difference

    I have 2 welsummer pullets (both 14 1/2 weeks old), one has a much brighter and larger comb and wattle than the other. She is also the loudest constantly bawking and bossing the flock around. Her size is the same as the rest of the flock. She’s not a sneaky roo, is she?
  2. Fluffington23

    What is she ?

    Welsummer or Dixie Rainbow Broiler ?
  3. MissLivia

    Help Sexing my New Flock (Easter Eggers+Welsummer+Australorp)

    We recently got our second round of chickens, so it's time again for the age old question -- pullet or cockerel? All are about two and a half months old (got them April 1 and April 7). Easter Egger: Max Easter Egger: Chloe She's the one I'm worried about. Australorp: Nilin...
  4. CITYS84

    Welsummer Barnevelder Araucana Exchequer Leghorn sexing?

    What do you think? I’m thinking 3 hens 1 Roo… happy to be advised otherwise?! They are coming up to 5 weeks old.
  5. E

    Urban Laying Hens and Olive Egger Breeder in Tucson

    Hi all! I look up questions on here all the time, but finally made an account of my own. I've got about 25 laying hens in Tucson. Sell eggs at the farmers market. I've always wanted to breed olive eggers and finally this year I have a good BCM roo and a good Amerucauna roo and set up their...
  6. T

    Small backyard flock - what’s gets along with BR?

    We have a small flock of 4 backyard laying hens. We are looking to add another 2 hens (live in city limits, so we can have 6 hens total, and hopefully on the quieter end, pullet chicks). We have 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks, a Sapphire Gem and a Sapphire Olive Egger. All are pretty great foragers...
  7. M

    New member

    We're new to Backyard chickens. :frowWe're getting our coop and everything ready at this time but no chickens yet, 5/2023. We live in a hot arid environment so dealing with heat and all the pests that come with that will be our biggest challenges. We had chickens once before for a few months...
  8. E

    Anyone have hatching eggs?

    Hey everyone! I used to be a big fan of this thread when I had chickens years ago. It’s been a busy few years which resulted in me selling everything I had. Well, I’m back in the feather business I guess you would say. Anyways, it’s good to be back with fellow chicken members again. I just...
  9. G

    What breed is my 9 week old bantam?

    She was sold as a "Tried and True Bantam" at the farm store. We thought maybe a Welsummer bantam or some kind of Old English game? Not sure though. If anyone has any ideas they would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  10. Aleelupton

    Welsummer, BBS Ameraucana, OE, Serama, Assorted, & Micro Serama Hatching Eggs Available

    Hi friends! We have the following breeds available for shipment weekly: •Welsummer •BBS Ameraucana •1st Generation Olive Egger (Welsummer Roo × BBS & Lavender Ameraucana hens) •Serama •Assorted mix (will include Welsummer × various breeds and pure breeds) •Micro Serama We offer half and full...
  11. Pogo

    Chick that freaks out when sleeping?

    Hello BYC! Recently I was given a little bantam welsummer chick, everything seems pretty good but as soon as she falls asleep she freaks out and starts crying/flapping about, sometimes ending up upside down. But when she wakes up everything’s fine and she eats, drinks and walks around normal...
  12. pidgejr

    Lookin' for a Welsummer Cockerel or Rooster

    Looking for a Welsummer cockerel or rooster for my 8 welsummer hennies. Prefer npip. Im in Southwest Ohio. Must be a pure welsummer, no mixes please.
  13. L

    Cream Legbar, Welsummer or Welbar???

    Calling all experts! I really wanted a Welsummer, but now I am confused as to what these girls could be. I'm just a beginner so I have no idea...they all are so similar!
  14. M

    Want Welsummer pullets or hens

    Would like to buy 4-6 Welsummer pullets or hens. Will be using them for a breeding program. Please be willing to ship, I am located in Southern California. I will pay to offset shipping. Photo's appreciated, let me know what you have.
  15. Jurassic_Bawk

    Sing an egg song for your first eggs of the year!

    Celebrate the first eggs you are getting post-molt or from new chickens with me! This is from my new Welsummer, her first egg. Look at that incredible BLOOM! I am so proud of my hens. Show me your first eggs!
  16. My Beautiful Welsummer Roo!

    My Beautiful Welsummer Roo!

    He just wants to dance with somebody! I keep telling him to be patient and the girls will come around (they haven't started laying yet). His glossy saddle always makes me swoon lol.
  17. Fallenone05

    I thought she was a Welsummer

    But not anymore. Today I was outside in the coop, and my hen here Got in the nest. She's from Atwood's - I know their breeds aren't 100% breeding standards, and she was in the Welsummer bin. I waited to see which of the dark brown eggs I've been getting is from here and lo and behold...
  18. nhudsonart

    Welsummer cockerel needs a home!

    We’ve got a Welsummer whoops-a-roo who needs a home! Hatched from Murray mcmurray august 8 2022. He’s truly beautiful, but we ordered a cuckoo maran rooster with this group and this welsummer was supposed to be a layer. We’re located in SW Cumming, GA and would love to see this guy go...
  19. konachicks

    Getting back into chicken keeping after years

    Aloha from Hawaii! I am getting back into chicken keeping now that we own our place and can finally have them again. I was going to order chicks but Hawaii is strict and won’t let anything come in out of Ohio right now so our plan B is incubating eggs which I started today! We have a Nuture...
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