what gender is this

  1. lovethefarmlife

    Hen or Rooster?

    Hello. I’m trying to figure out if our 7 week old Easter egger is a rooster? I know it’s early, but have heard “her” making a sound almost like a rooster crow. Thanks for any help.
  2. Micoylf

    Leghorn Pullet or Rooster?

    This chicken of mine is about 17weeks old now but im still struggling to tell if they’re a pullet or a rooster. I’ve already got a rooster (you can see his head poking in in the bottom right lol) so would love to keep this lil one but if he’s a Roo he’s gotta got gender
  3. S

    Mystery from the TSC bantam mix bin, please help

    Not wildly familiar with bantams but couldn’t resist this little feather footed fluff ball from the straight run bantam mix bin at TSC. posting photo of her ((him? *gulp*) as more of a baby chick and now at about 10 weeks. I thought maybe some kind of Cochin perhaps? Is this “blue”? But just...
  4. lancasterflock

    Pullet or cockerel? I’m sooo unsure!

    I know very little about this chicken little. I don’t know the age but was told it was a pullet. I’m raising eyebrows over the smaller feathers in the butt tuft. Here’s what I know…Very skiddish temperament, was told she/he is an F1 olive egger. I’m so so hoping for a pullet, if chicken little...
  5. Japsgalore

    What genders are these chicks?

    Hi there, I recently got 4 chicks from a breeder, 1 silkie, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Polish and a Unknown breed. Anyway I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell the gender of these chicks? Thanks to anyone that can! Photos are mainly of there faces, since I’ve heard most people can tell it...
  6. L

    Silkie X Polish cross Gender

    Polish X Silkie cross 12 weeks old Was pretty sure was a pullet, now not so sure.
  7. T

    Cuckoo Maran with pics!

    My 8 week old Cuckoo Maran has me hanging on to hope she will be a she... What do you all think? Same chicken, different angles as she ran from me. Lol.
  8. missmaqs

    6 Week Polish Chicks - Hennifer Confusion

    Hey! I have 3 Polish chicks that I am questioning. Hennifer is the buff/yellow one (first 2 images). She has a very round bouffant so I thought she was a girl, but she's growing some red bits on her face that are making me question everything. My last two are silver laced polish, I thought they...
  9. CrisKay

    6-7 week old muts! Gender?

    Hii! First time ever posting :D I got two almost 7 week old chicks that had been super slow to feather, and I fear they may be both cockerels. Their parents are also muts so it has been really hard for me to tell right away what are they :S is it still too early to tell or i'll have to think...
  10. I

    Australorp: Cockerel or Pullet?

    Hello chicken people! I finally was able to build myself a coop this year and get myself a new flock of birds. I've looked up multiple threads and tips for sexing chickens, and have done it in the past just fine with some accidental cockerels I'd had, but I'm stumped on this one. I've never...
  11. InTheHenHouse_

    Is this possibly a male?

    I have 4 week old silver laced Wyandotte’s that are suppose to be all pullets but I’m having second thoughts about one of them. they have a lot le white, redder comb/wattles and is a bit bigger than my other two. A is the suspected Cockerel B is one of my others I’m confident is a pullet...
  12. HiddlesKenway

    Aracauna x Silkie - What gender do you think?

    So, I have this Aracauna (Australian) x Silkie chick around seven weeks old. Can you tell whether it’s a boy or girl yet? Sorry about the photo it’s the best one I have!
  13. eveleychook

    Pullet Or Cockerel?

    I have a 11 week old chicken, who has shown no obvious cockerel behaviour or cockerel feathering. When compared to my other 11 week old cockerels, this chicken is slower in growth has thinner legs and its comb has not grown much. Please see below pictures. Please let me know what you think...
  14. K

    Help determing the sex of our 4ish week old buff

    Hi All! We are new to backyard chickens, but have been planning on this for a while. We picked up our pullets from our local Murdochs on Feb 21. They were only a couple days old when they came home with us. We have a mixed flock: 2 Buffs, 2 Sussex, and 2 Plymoth Rocks. I think one of our Buffs...
  15. AussieChickGirl24

    Is my Silkie chick a Roo?

    Hello! Long time lurker first time poster. This silkie is definitely a roo, right? I’ve thought so for months but just wanted a 100% confirmation. “Daydream” on the left in the first pic and on the right in the second pic. Thankyou!
  16. HendricksonHomestead

    Swedish Blue Duck Gender?

    I have two Swedish Blue ducks. They're both around 6-7 weeks old now. Is there anyway to tell if they're male or female?? Thanks in advance!
  17. Leelu13

    Silkie pullets or cockerals? ( plus cute pics:)

    These are my silkie babies that I have wanted forever. Over the moon with them! Hubby got them as a Mothers Day gift the week before on Star Wars Day-hence the names.(yes,I'm a big nerd;) All are a little over six weeks. One I think is definitely a roo ( Solo). Would love to hear what you think!
  18. HendricksonHomestead

    Silkie...Pullet or Cockerel?

    This one I'm having a hard time with! This Silkie is about 17 weeks old now. I don't see any streamers and it doesn't have any spurs. So, leaning toward pullet??
  19. ILoveSilkieChickens

    What gender is my 3 and a half month to 5 month old Brahma, Cindy Lou/Cody?

    I really want to know because she/he is my most favorite chicken that I have ever had and I have a very strong bond with her/him. And how old is she/he. My aid heard her/him this morning in the coop and the young bird was beginning to crow. If it’s a he then I have to get rid of him and his name...
  20. Gussychick

    EE pullets?

    Oh the age old question, Cockerel or Pullet? This is my first batch of chickens ever(16 of em!) Two of them are these beautiful 6 week old Amer(I)canas. I know these guys are hard to sex so early but I'm hoping someone might help in deciding what these are, the lighter copper- headed one has a...
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