what gender is this

  1. Chook Chook lady

    Silver laced Wyandotte cockerel or pullet

    Two week old supposedly female Wyandotte chick it gives me the stink eye and it barely has wings and tale compared to its sister. It’s also really protective
  2. solidsnake

    Sexing BR chick?

    I've had some suspicions about my BR chick.... think it might be a boy, but I certainly don't have a trained enough eye to be able to be certain. It could be too early to tell. Day ~2 Picture taken Feb 16. These were taken today March 5.
  3. LemonyCatapult

    Any gender guesses??

    these are two of my two month old chicks, wondering if there is any input yet? Just curious. No crowing yet but they’ve started making an awful lot of noise!
  4. Chickens4Life101


    So if you have been following my threads, you know Leah has hatched 9 eggs. They are currently 2 weeks old and all mixed breeds. I wanted to know if you think any are roosters. I only have pics of 3 of them because they move around so much it is impossible to get any good pics lol. Pic 1 is Joey...
  5. Chickens4Life101


    So if you have been following my thread, you know Leah has hatched 9 eggs. They are currently 2 weeks old and all mixed breeds. I wanted to know if you think any are roosters. I only have pics of 3 of them because they move around so much it is impossible to get any good pics lol. Pic 1 is Joey...
  6. HuskerHens18

    Gender Reveal Party!

    At least, I wish it was a party. :celebrate My brooder is getting full, soon it will be time for the chicks to be separated into the appropriate flocks, which consist of: Main Flock Rooster Flock Delicate/Special/Handicapped Flock Bantam Flock In total I have about 40 chicks to sex, but I...
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