➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Look what I just found.
I'll turn it into a Google sheet soon.

What color had you ordered/had issues with?
Look what I just found.
I'll turn it into a Google sheet soon.View attachment 2411695View attachment 2411696View attachment 2411697View attachment 2411698

What color had you ordered/had issues with?

All the colors I've ordered with them, I've had trouble with, unfortunately. First Falb Fee (sort of), then the Egyptians twice.

A lot of that stuff in that list makes no sense. For example, no way should you be hatching Tibetan out of Pearl Fee. That just shouldn't be in there at all, full stop. White I can understand if it's recessive white. Italian, that shouldn't be happening if you have the pen set up correctly, but eh, the color is based on Italian genetics, so. GPC shouldn't be in there either, unless he used GPC to get Fee in there and hasn't managed to get out some of the recessive pastel colors.

But properly set up, a Pearl group will only produce Pearl, barring some recessives. So there should not be Tibetan, there should not be Italian, etc.

Falb Fee, also. Set that up correctly and they will hatch 100% true, barring unexpected recessives. You should never ever be hatching Italians. That's an incompletely dominant gene, you can see if a bird is carrying it, and so it should be removed from the breeding group. Hatching Pearl, which I think I see noted there, would also be a result of Italian being in the breeding group - and like I said, it shouldn't be. White and GPC I'll again give a pass if they're recessive. Wild type aka Pharaoh would also not be happening in a correctly set up breeding group because Fee is incompletely dominant. You can see if a bird has only one copy of Fee, so if you want to use those in your group, just make sure you use only males or only females and that the other gender is homozygous, and you'll only ever hatch birds with at least one copy of Fee. Or just use homozygous birds and there you go, all your offspring will be homozygous.

I could break this down like this for a lot of those colors, unfortunately.

The Egyptian eggs I was sent twice hatched half Egyptian and half Pharoah. I kept all of them from the second batch to see if I get some of both genders in each colors. If I do, the breeding pen must be all messed up. They definitely don't hatch 96% true like that list says. Mine hatched 46% Egyptian in the last hatch. If they turn out to be all female Egyptians and all male Pharoahs, then somehow I was sent sex linked eggs twice, even after pointing out that that might have happened the first time.
All the colors I've ordered with them, I've had trouble with, unfortunately. First Falb Fee (sort of), then the Egyptians twice.

A lot of that stuff in that list makes no sense. For example, no way should you be hatching Tibetan out of Pearl Fee. That just shouldn't be in there at all, full stop. White I can understand if it's recessive white. Italian, that shouldn't be happening if you have the pen set up correctly, but eh, the color is based on Italian genetics, so. GPC shouldn't be in there either, unless he used GPC to get Fee in there and hasn't managed to get out some of the recessive pastel colors.

But properly set up, a Pearl group will only produce Pearl, barring some recessives. So there should not be Tibetan, there should not be Italian, etc.

Falb Fee, also. Set that up correctly and they will hatch 100% true, barring unexpected recessives. You should never ever be hatching Italians. That's an incompletely dominant gene, you can see if a bird is carrying it, and so it should be removed from the breeding group. Hatching Pearl, which I think I see noted there, would also be a result of Italian being in the breeding group - and like I said, it shouldn't be. White and GPC I'll again give a pass if they're recessive. Wild type aka Pharaoh would also not be happening in a correctly set up breeding group because Fee is incompletely dominant. You can see if a bird has only one copy of Fee, so if you want to use those in your group, just make sure you use only males or only females and that the other gender is homozygous, and you'll only ever hatch birds with at least one copy of Fee. Or just use homozygous birds and there you go, all your offspring will be homozygous.

I could break this down like this for a lot of those colors, unfortunately.

The Egyptian eggs I was sent twice hatched half Egyptian and half Pharoah. I kept all of them from the second batch to see if I get some of both genders in each colors. If I do, the breeding pen must be all messed up. They definitely don't hatch 96% true like that list says. Mine hatched 46% Egyptian in the last hatch. If they turn out to be all female Egyptians and all male Pharoahs, then somehow I was sent sex linked eggs twice, even after pointing out that that might have happened the first time.
I'm not there yet...understanding genetics and how it works. I will be there one day.

I just took notes on what he says happens with his birds.
I'm not there yet...understanding genetics and how it works. I will be there one day.

I just took notes on what he says happens with his birds.

Quick easy analogy for the Falb Fees. If you were breeding splash chickens, and only wanted to breed splash chickens, you'd just have splash chickens in your breeding group, right?

Well, those notes say that instead of doing that, there's a lot of blue chickens in the pen too, and probably also some black chickens. And then also some red chickens, which is a totally unrelated color but they're in there. Because that's the only way to be producing all those other colors of chicks that you're hatching, which are not all splash as they would be if the breeding group was all splash.

That's not a perfect analogy, of course, but that's the gist.
Kiki, my bad batch of White Wing Pharaohs, I got all but one as white wings. The one white one, I had to move out of her cage, as her hatch mates tried to kill her. She is doing good now.
The batches that I hatched with white birds, I didn't have any aggression issues. Everyone got along fine until butcher day. Kept the white hens with no issues until I tried to integrate with a male that didn't live long.

Thanks for this! I use Hatchabatch on my phone, but it doesn't have near as many features as this does. Plus, it also estimates the hatch day wrong, so you have to know to add a day.

This is cool. I like how it can track specific groups too and things like percentage of fertile eggs and eggs hatched and stuff.
Thanks for this! I use Hatchabatch on my phone, but it doesn't have near as many features as this does. Plus, it also estimates the hatch day wrong, so you have to know to add a day.

This is cool. I like how it can track specific groups too and things like percentage of fertile eggs and eggs hatched and stuff.
I'm on my computer now with it.

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