🐶The adventures of a little land shark with a job🦈

Is the name Pepsi

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She also went to the beach recently which I though was her first time but my brother remembers taking her before, so I don't know anymore

Didn't get any pictures because it was cold, I did get a video which I will try to post!

She did not inherit an intelligent GSD expression :lau
With had some massive progress with dogs! We where actually able to be quite close (for Pepsi) to another dog, they even walked past us and she didn't react! We saw more dogs that she did well with, until they started barking then it got too much for her

And somebody asked if she was an Alsatian or a german shepherd :lau I do see where the confusion comes from!

My mother got a phone number for somebody, who she was told might be able to help with Peps's reactivity training. So she called them and got told pretty much that "oh, thats how GSDs are".... yes, it is but thats not very helpful 🫠 she did though give us a phone number for somebody who owns GSDs near us. Breed specific advice would be nice to get but I am not very hopeful 😅

When ever I upload a video the quality seems to get destroyed, I have no idea why

Oh my gosh Aspen does this🤣
She’ll take it so far as pulling it out of the ground

I wish she had! The plant she was tugging on in the end was one I tried to pull up and gave up on 🤣 which is why she was trying! She pulled the leaves of first 😆
My dogs get very sick from eating grass, so I wouldn't encourage that with mine. I also plan to teach my next dog that eating anything off the floor/ground is not allowed, so I won't be throwing treats and things like that.
My dogs get very sick from eating grass, so I wouldn't encourage that with mine. I also plan to teach my next dog that eating anything off the floor/ground is not allowed, so I won't be throwing treats and things like that.
She doesn’t eat it, just pulls it out and spits it in the walkways in the garden🙂 she’s a very smart girl and watched me pull the weeds and put them in the walkways then learned to do it herself
She doesn’t eat it, just pulls it out and spits it in the walkways in the garden🙂 she’s a very smart girl and watched me pull the weeds and put them in the walkways then learned to do it herself
Wow, that's great! She is smart. I wish my dogs were smart enough to not eat things that make them sick!
Pepsi was spitting out the plant too. They all do eat grass, so far it hasn't been a issue and it would be impossible for me to stop them 😅

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