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Is the name Pepsi

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ANYWAY…despite how blown out of proportion…again….this has been, I sincerely DO hope that Pepsi is ok and that it’s only something minor and that she recovers fast.
I’d like to come in here and genuinely apologize for any attitude I held earlier. That’s not me…shouldn’t be me. I stand as a Christian and that was a very bad witness to everyone who has read and will ever read this thread. So I’m very sorry.
Thank you ❤️ I want to apologise to you too, I was unnecessarily rude to yesterday
Spot, I am so impressed with what you have accomplished with Pepsi! As a fellow service dog owner / trainer I want to tell you something I did.
Because of problems with people assuming that they could come and pet the cute puppy I made a sign.
I took 2 half sheets of paper, at the top I put ‘DO NOT APPROACH’. In smaller letters I put ‘service dog in training’.
I laminated them, put one on each side of the leash, attached them to each other & the leash. It worked.
Spot, I am so impressed with what you have accomplished with Pepsi! As a fellow service dog owner / trainer I want to tell you something I did.
Because of problems with people assuming that they could come and pet the cute puppy I made a sign.
I took 2 half sheets of paper, at the top I put ‘DO NOT APPROACH’. In smaller letters I put ‘service dog in training’.
I laminated them, put one on each side of the leash, attached them to each other & the leash. It worked.
Thanks! Though she currently is just a screaming menace 😆

Thats a great idea for a diy leash wrap!

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