🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

Scary, Cathy. Folks are being good about masks, social distancing and all, but the virus is out there. Most difficult part is that to me there is no end in sight. Without a vaccine everyone who has not been ill remains vulnerable, and asymptomatic carriers are in the population. I don't see a rapid return to 'normal'. There is so much unknown about this virus even to the point of whether or not illness and then recovery leads to antibody production/protection. The right now is fine, but the uncertainty of the future. :idunno Thank goodness for being married to someone that I really like, proximity of the beagle club, and the onset of spring so that I can garden.
It is weird! Here in CA the Governor announced a plan to gradually loosen up the sheltering in place. At a staff meeting today, the boss seemed to think that we would be back to the office soon. So Silly! CDC says 28 days after the peak of infections and The CDC does not think we have reached that yet. Cases are increasing here still

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