🦆 The DUX has woken up! 🦆

So today the rebellious phase of the ducknagers has begun:
  • Messing with the bee-hives: They discovered dead bees under the hives, which is normal. Then they started to knock at the hive-boxes, enjoying the sudden buzz-sounds from inside. I warned them multiple times, shooed them away but they weren't listening. When they tried to snatch unsuspecting bees in front of the entrance, the bees had enough.
    Did you knew that ducknagers are able to jump three feet up and six foot wide even without their fully developed winglets? 🤣
    The other ducks were laughing so hard, they pooped their pants.
  • Sleeping outside: The dux was already inside the house, digging through their supper bowl, Sunny Sunshine and Harry Duckhini laid down in their cardboard-boxes but no, stubborn Ducknagers don't have to go inside! We are now grown up, we are strong and we can sleep outside. (They watched me digging the graves and burying Agnetha and the Sharp Dressed Drake!). I chased them a couple of times around the plum-tree, scratched my scalp on the peach-tree went around the raised beds while they just slipped underneath, then "gave up" and went back inside. I sneaked out from the back-door, covered in a large dark blanked armed with my phone playing loud barking and growling…
    Less than a second and they were inside of Sunny's nest on the patio, peeping like lost ducklings. 🤣
Let's see how long these lessons will last. Laura Duck had a pillow-fight with Missus Mallard about whose ducklings are allowed first at the, extra long, feeder. While these two were ripping their feathers out, all of the little ones, including the little dragon baby, shared their meal and enjoyed their water-puddle. The little mallard babies somewhere mixed in between, all happy together. The drakes wisely kept their distance.
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Frank did you get Mallards or are those wild ones that were getting mixed in with your ducks? I couldn't remember if you had gotten some or not. One of my ducks ate a large bee the other day and I thought it would hurt them but they played with it first and made sure they killed it before eating it. I guess they are pretty smart about that.
Frank did you get Mallards or are those wild ones that were getting mixed in with your ducks? I couldn't remember if you had gotten some or not. One of my ducks ate a large bee the other day and I thought it would hurt them but they played with it first and made sure they killed it before eating it. I guess they are pretty smart about that.
Wild Mallards! - Some of them fly south, but the majority overwinters here in the area. Plenty of friendly Hillbillies with ponds around here.

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