1 day old chick with slipped tendon??? Photos

I’m praying that this leg gets better. She ( I feel she’s a she), is such a sweet bird. I want to give it a chance, if it has the will to live. I put it back in the chair with the leg vet wrapped. No matter how many times we adjust the wrap, the leg turns purple when bent straight. Really concern about that. I message the toes, but feel at a lost. What was supposed to be a fun experience for the kids has turn into a medical experience. I just hope she can strive.

two chicks with two totally different problems at hatch. What are the odds? My other chick is doing great, but has an unabsorb yolk, that hopefully falls off soon :)

This is not my first hatch in life , but my first time with my pricey brinsea.
Update- after days of wrapping and splinting and wrapping again. She finally put weight on her leg!! She is walking bow legged. But it is HUGE progress! For a chick that one would consider to put down, she is showing strength :)

update on yolk sac chick. I never manipulated the yolk sac, but it finally dried out and fell off on its own. I have two lively chicks
Glad that she is walking and putting weight on it. Can you post any pictures of her legs as they look now?

She even rests it properly when she lays down. It’s not perfect, but hopefully the strength comes in. Her leg muscle was so weak. It had been trembeling and it’s slowly improving. The joint is still swollen, hoping with her using it , will bring the swelling down. She is trying to even jump out of her brooder. I won’t pick her up yet, she is very frightened of the hand and I don’t want her to stress the leg.


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She does bend the leg very back, almost like double jointed, but she seems proud to use it. When she was 1 day old, the leg wouldn’t even extend to the ground, it was locked in an upright position, elevated to her chest almost. With the vet wrapped , she would drag in backwards and do all this funny stuff with it. We called her ninja chicken. She refused to stay in chair for the leg. She’d escape from it and we feared she would break her good leg. She walks with this little hobble :)


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