Ended 14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Hatching Fowl Photo Contest

I’m unsure if I can include this photo in my entries as my mother took the photo (we hatched the eggs out together and she doesn’t have an account on here as she’s not a big computer person) ?
But this is the photo she got of our final baby that had made it out of the shell successfully!!
How is this one doing? It looks adorable but I’m worried about the yolk and veins I still see for it to be hatching unless ducklings are different than chicks during hatching ?
Awe, thank you for asking!
She was our miracle baby, that’s why I posted it.
She had a walnut sized yolk sac still attached and was quite premature.
I tried to keep her in her egg to absorb but nope, had to come out.
So I made a bed because she couldn’t lift her neck either and I just hand fed her like an infant and she happily laid in her bed. (Or my arms) I had to be so careful with the yolk sac!! But she recovered beautifully!
She imprinted with me but now that she’s with the others it faded.
But she’ll still sit on my lap and snuggle!!

Thank you so much for your care and concern.❤️
Here she is recovering and then healthy!

Happy Easter 🐣
Cute duckling! Did it just hatch? 🥰🥰

She hatched in June. I’m not sure how recent the photos need to be. 🤷‍♀️
She’s or miracle baby, as she was born with a large yolk sac still unabsorbed, small and weak.
I couldn’t keep her in her egg to absorb, so I made her a little bed, and nursed her back to health.
Now she’s happy and healthy!

Happy Easter 🐣
Awe, thank you for asking!
She was our miracle baby, that’s why I posted it.
She had a walnut sized yolk sac still attached and was quite premature.
I tried to keep her in her egg to absorb but nope, had to come out.
So I made a bed because she couldn’t lift her neck either and I just hand fed her like an infant and she happily laid in her bed. (Or my arms) I had to be so careful with the yolk sac!! But she recovered beautifully!
She imprinted with me but now that she’s with the others it faded.
But she’ll still sit on my lap and snuggle!!

Thank you so much for your care and concern.❤️
Here she is recovering and then healthy!

Happy Easter 🐣
Oh my goodness!! I’m so glad she’s doing well and is able to be with the others! How amazing you are to put the care and love into that baby to help her survive ❤️

Does she have a name? Might I suggest Miracle perhaps? As you already did call her that :love
Edit: I see you call them Pip!! That’s adorable and I had a hen named Pip with my previous chicken flock

Happy Easter to you and all your babies! :jumpy
Oh my goodness!! I’m so glad she’s doing well and is able to be with the others! How amazing you are to put the care and love into that baby to help her survive ❤️

Does she have a name? Might I suggest Miracle perhaps? As you already did call her that :love

Happy Easter to you and all your babies! :jumpy
Omg! That’s her name! “Miracle”!!!!
Your so incredibly kind and sweet, I’m very happy to have met you!
It was touch and go with her for awhile, but I was determined.
She was half the size of her siblings and I couldn’t put her in with them for quite awhile.
But now she’s so lovely, I feel like she somehow knows… 💕
Omg! That’s her name! “Miracle”!!!!
Your so incredibly kind and sweet, I’m very happy to have met you!
It was touch and go with her for awhile, but I was determined.
She was half the size of her siblings and I couldn’t put her in with them for quite awhile.
But now she’s so lovely, I feel like she somehow knows… 💕
You are very kind as well! I’m glad we are able to have been able to chat here! Thank you, you made me smile :hugs

She’s definitely going to remember the care you put into her and will love you immensely for it, even as she gets older. They just seem to know when you put your needs after theirs and care for them as only some would ❤️
Sorry if it's already been said but it's not in the 1st post...when does this contest end?
It currently hasn't been decided yet, but on last year's contest, it ended April 30th. I'm assuming it'll be ending the same time this year.
I had read somewhere (either a reply in here or somewhere else maybe the main thread ?) that it will end sometime in April but there’s no specific date set yet that I’ve heard!

Rule 14 states this!
I’m unsure if I can include this photo in my entries as my mother took the photo (we hatched the eggs out together and she doesn’t have an account on here as she’s not a big computer person) ?
But this is the photo she got of our final baby that had made it out of the shell successfully!!
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Unfortunately, rule #5 says that the picture needs to be taken by you. Sorry about that. :( It's an awesome picture though. Thank you for being honest.
The picture needs to have been taken by you
That’s okay! I had figured as much but wanted to make sure!!
I still thought everyone would enjoy the photo!
It is an adorable picture. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad to see that all your chicks have all hatched. Did you have anymore troubles? And what was your hatch rate?

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