Ended 14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Hatching Fowl Photo Contest

Thank you. I did already read all the rules and the whole first post religiously 😅:) was just wondering if a specific date was chosen yet.

Oh gotcha thank you. So my future harchlings will still most likely have a chance! 😆 They hatch April 15.
No problem! I too was reading it religiously waiting for my eggs to hatch !

I can’t wait to see your entires!! How many eggs do you have set? And what breeds/species? :love
Entry # 1

Screenshot 2023-04-06 9.06.42 PM.png
You are very kind as well! I’m glad we are able to have been able to chat here! Thank you, you made me smile :hugs

She’s definitely going to remember the care you put into her and will love you immensely for it, even as she gets older. They just seem to know when you put your needs after theirs and care for them as only some would ❤️
Happy Easter my friend! 🐣
Pearl was the same! Needed a crate suspended in the coop with food and water and no bedding and a perch to sleep on :lau
Oh she sounds adorable just by doing that ahahaha! She is a sweetie just like Pearl was :love
My hen just went into broody jail today. Poor girl. I made sure she got to free range some before "arresting" her. A little later I returned to the coop, and she was on her perch, all puffed up, clucking at some hen below her. Everytime she goes broody I think she's becoming a better brooder. Maybe one of these days she'll get some fertilized eggs...
Happy Easter my friend! 🐣
I’m sorry I’m a day late!! Happy (belated sort of? It’s still Easter Monday :lol: ) Easter to you as well Amy!!:jumpy
Aw nice! I have 14 duck eggs in the incubator and 3 under a broody :D.
Aahh!! That’s so eggciting!!! :wee
Ooh are they going to hatch around the same time? And what breed(s)?? Ducklings are just adorable with their plap plap plap on flooring :love
My hen just went into broody jail today. Poor girl. I made sure she got to free range some before "arresting" her. A little later I returned to the coop, and she was on her perch, all puffed up, clucking at some hen below her. Everytime she goes broody I think she's becoming a better brooder. Maybe one of these days she'll get some fertilized eggs...
They always act so offended when the other hens go near their “own personal sleeping chambers” :lau:lau
I do hope she gets to be a better broody for you!! I might also stick to that as well in the future if any hens I get decide they truly want to sit !

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