1st Hatching Journey - Little Giant

That data/information is way out dated. Humidity during incubation should be around 30 to 40% and raised to 50 to 55% for the last 3 to 4 days of incubation, for Coturnix quail.

New World quail should be incubated at around 35 to 45% humidity and raised to 55 to 60% humidity for the last 3 to 4 days of incubation.

Going over 60% humidity will cause problems for the chick's, ie; stuck chick's, crooked toes.
Without any water, my LG is currently at 50% humidity. (Day 0)
Two Govees that I calibrated in a sealed container with saturated salt. It's been on for 8 hrs.
That's what I thought, let it run for 24hrs before you start to make any adjustments. I also saw where you posted your local humidity....that is having a definite effect on the bators humidity readings.

When hatching season rolls around, I personally start up my incubators and let them run for at least a week before I set my eggs. I make absolutely sure they are stable and reading correctly.
That's what I thought, let it run for 24hrs before you start to make any adjustments. I also saw where you posted your local humidity....that is having a definite effect on the bators humidity readings.

When hatching season rolls around, I personally start up my incubators and let them run for at least a week before I set my eggs. I make absolutely sure they are stable and reading correctly.
I've got a dehumidifier running in the room now. We usually run it on rainy days, but I thought I should go ahead and turn it on.
Humidity is already down to 47%.

Interesting, the LG instructions say to run it for 8 hrs. before setting the eggs.
More bad or misinformation!
Before digital displays, they had manual adjustment for the thermostat. It was so tiny that any movement you made/adjustment would result in a huge reaction..
either go way up or go way down. I took a knurled bottle cap and screwed it to the top of the thermostat adjustment rod, had a better 'feel' as to how much you were turning the thermostat. This was just one of the modifications I made, I made many others before I finally obtained a somewhat reliable incubator but it still was a piece of crap for an incubator.
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