1y.o. Egger Killed but not eaten 2-5 PM


Premium Feather Member
Jul 17, 2023
San Gabriel Valley CA.
Our first casualties ever. Flock (9 hens now 7) 1.5 years old, 4 different breeds. Out of town for first kill, our favorite, was a black silkie šŸ˜­ Housesitter said she was mostly eaten. I didnā€™t look at her yet, (had them put her in freezer). Two days later, an almost 1 year old egger just coming out of molting, was killed at the neck. She was good size. Rest of the flock was hunkered down deep in low shrubs. They had never not come out to greet us. They were all affected some more than others. We gave electrolytes with their vitamin water for several days.
Now they only are let out to free range while one of us are in the yard (2-3 hours) as opposed to 7 AM to dusk, at least until we figure out an alternative way to protect. Entire yard is fenced 6ā€™ high. For about a year we had a wavyman air dancer going during the day and thought it worked wellā€¦until it didnā€™t.
Why wouldnā€™t hawk or falcon eat its kill? We have many hawks around, even had a hawk nest in the large ash tree shading the coop last spring.
Iā€™m guessing a coyote would have taken out the entire flock.
Could it have been something else?
It may have of been a fox? Foxes mostly just 'play' with their kill until it dies then doesn't even eat it. Are there any dug out holes around the fence-line? A predator could have of dug it's way in.
Hmm I didnā€™t know foxes did that, Mother Nature is cruel. 40+ years living in same house, in a suburb of Los Angeles CA, coyotes and raccoons are the wildest creatures near us. Our fence is made of thick nonbendable welded wire thatā€™s buried 6ā€ underground. And my dogs didnā€™t behave or react as if there was a new scent. But boy did our dead hen scare the heck out of our 4 month old Aussie!
Appreciate your reply. :)
Hmm I didnā€™t know foxes did that, Mother Nature is cruel. 40+ years living in same house, in a suburb of Los Angeles CA, coyotes and raccoons are the wildest creatures near us.
Hmm.. I'm not sure what it could be...
Our fence is made of thick nonbendable welded wire thatā€™s buried 6ā€ underground.
Oh wow, so definatly no animals getting in!
And my dogs didnā€™t behave or react as if there was a new scent.
But boy did our dead hen scare the heck out of our 4 month old Aussie!
So cute!! I love Aussie shepards!!!
Appreciate your reply. :)
All good!
Our first casualties ever. Flock (9 hens now 7) 1.5 years old, 4 different breeds. Out of town for first kill, our favorite, was a black silkie šŸ˜­ Housesitter said she was mostly eaten. I didnā€™t look at her yet, (had them put her in freezer). Two days later, an almost 1 year old egger just coming out of molting, was killed at the neck. She was good size. Rest of the flock was hunkered down deep in low shrubs. They had never not come out to greet us. They were all affected some more than others. We gave electrolytes with their vitamin water for several days.
Now they only are let out to free range while one of us are in the yard (2-3 hours) as opposed to 7 AM to dusk, at least until we figure out an alternative way to protect. Entire yard is fenced 6ā€™ high. For about a year we had a wavyman air dancer going during the day and thought it worked wellā€¦until it didnā€™t.
Why wouldnā€™t hawk or falcon eat its kill? We have many hawks around, even had a hawk nest in the large ash tree shading the coop last spring.
Iā€™m guessing a coyote would have taken out the entire flock.
Could it have been something else?
Do you have Raccoons??? That is what got two of mine a couple of months ago and took my prize duck that was a smaller Wood Duck and then a large Khaki Campbell duck. The Wood Duck was mostly eaten and the Khaki Campbell had most of its guts taken out of it and eaten. I have since bought 5 new Producer Pride's Pens from Tractor Supply and my Hubby connected them all together. They have strong roofs on them and sides plus I put skirting around them to keep predators out. I pray that mine are all safe now and I am sorry that you lost some of your flock too.
Itā€™s a 6ā€™ tall, vinyl coated 2ā€ square hog wire-like fence, and goes 6ā€ underground. And yes she was found right next to it

(Not sure how I didnā€™t see your post sooner, sorry.)

We still only let them out of their coop if we are in yard.


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