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Constantly Talkin Bout Chickens
That is so so awful!! I am so sorry about your Agnes as well! What's a goanna? Her death was so unexpected and I wish that I would have gotten a chance to say goodbye to her At least if they get sick you have chances to say bye and you know that the time might come soon I hope our babies didn't sufferOh my goodness, this is so strange and sad to read because yesterday my chicken Agnes was found yesterday too, she never went off on her own usually but we found a pile of feathers, then blood, more feathers, and eventually found her body further in the garden amongst the reeds. I'm not 100% sure what got her, but I reckon it was a goanna. Her head and one leg and innards were all gone. I think a dog would have taken her whole body, and we don't get hawks around here. Sorry you lost your Agnes too, it's so sad to lose a chicken this way