R.I.P Agnes. What killed her?

Our stories are very similar! Holy cow I just researched a wedgetail eagle on google!! The size is nuts!!🤯😱 That thing could probably put a hurting on me. Rest in peace Agatha💕💕 She sounded like a great girl🩷 I hope your flock stays safe!!
Very similar stories- we both had great girls. We're struggling to eat her eggs which still show up in the cartons. Thank you for your kind words. These eagles aren't to be messed with that's for sure. Worse when they're in pairs! That's life. Wish you all the best for your flock also. Take care during these days of your elections.💝🌺
Very similar stories- we both had great girls. We're struggling to eat her eggs which still show up in the cartons. Thank you for your kind words. These eagles aren't to be messed with that's for sure. Worse when they're in pairs! That's life. Wish you all the best for your flock also. Take care during these days of your elections.💝🌺
Oh my gosh I didn't know that they hunted in pairs! Whatever they are hunting has no chance against 2 of them 😢
Thank you so much for the kind words also❤️ as for her eggs maybe you can save a piece of the shell and make it into resin jewelry?:love
Take care during these days of 🥹❤️your elections.💝🌺
Thank you so much❤️🥹 that's so sweet of you to say😁
Agnes just died yesterday. This was a complete surprise. This morning when the chickens were let out, I later realized that Agnes was not there. And she is NOT the type to go wandering around the yard by herself. She usually stays with at least one chicken. We were very puzzled and looked around the entire yard. That's when we found a giant pile of white feathers 😞 A predator had gotten to her. I live in a rural area and this is surprisingly the very first time that a predator has killed one of my chickens. My friend lives in the city and they have had predators kill their chickens time and time again.
Agnes was the absolute best girl and was one of most friendliest chickens out of our 13 (now 12) chickens.
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So, I was curious about what this predator could be that got her. There were feathers 5 feet from where the main pile was so do you think it was a ground predator that attacked her and dragged her away, or do you think it was an aerial predator? And how could I limit these predators and keep them away from my chickens? Despite me having two roos, they did nothing to save Agnes's life. Although, she could have been isolated from the flock, or the entire flock saw the predator and then ran for cover including the roosters. Once when a hawk was attacking one of my hens, Winnie, the roos were right there and did nothing (maybe they didn't see her?) So we took immediate action and chased the hawk away.
So anyway, here are ALL of the predators that I have either seen or heard in my yard:
Owls, hawks, turkey vultures (they wouldn't attack chickens I don't think), definitely other birds of prey.

Ground predators:
Coyotes, foxes, skunks, neighbor's cats, racoons, opposums, and probably weasels and mink but they would just kill her and suck the blood and leave her body.

I know that she was attacked during the day, not at night because she always went to bed or was in the nesting box at least. So It couldn't have been any of those nocturnal animals. Oh, and none of my other chickens are harmed. That right there shows me that the roosters didn't protect Agnes. No blood on combs, wattles, nothing like that.

Thanks so much! Feel free to ask any questions.
I'm so sorry she's such a beautiful girl. I'm having predator issues myself so I know how your feeling 🥺💔 I'm in Florida and we're thinking possible Bobcat or Fox for us havent caught it on camera yet. I've lost 10 now from muscovies, guineas, pekin and a Rouen. Some are our sanctuary ducks and some are a friends. It's been exhausting, we're all losing sleep keeping guard and staring at cameras all night and not sleeping so heartbreaking
I'm so sorry she's such a beautiful girl. I'm having predator issues myself so I know how your feeling 🥺💔 I'm in Florida and we're thinking possible Bobcat or Fox for us havent caught it on camera yet. I've lost 10 now from muscovies, guineas, pekin and a Rouen. Some are our sanctuary ducks and some are a friends. It's been exhausting, we're all losing sleep keeping guard and staring at cameras all night and not sleeping so heartbreaking
Thank you so very much for the empathy. I'm so sorry for your losses as well:hugsYou have lost so many 😞😢
Very similar stories- we both had great girls. We're struggling to eat her eggs which still show up in the cartons. Thank you for your kind words. These eagles aren't to be messed with that's for sure. Worse when they're in pairs! That's life. Wish you all the best for your flock also. Take care during these days of your elections.💝🌺
So sorry for your loss. Any way you might be able to incubate some of her eggs and get her offspring? She was a beautiful sweet bird and it would be great if you could get some of her babies. Eggs can go through quite a bit and still be fertile enough to hatch. I hope that you can do that.
Agnes just died yesterday. This was a complete surprise. This morning when the chickens were let out, I later realized that Agnes was not there. And she is NOT the type to go wandering around the yard by herself. She usually stays with at least one chicken. We were very puzzled and looked around the entire yard. That's when we found a giant pile of white feathers 😞 A predator had gotten to her. I live in a rural area and this is surprisingly the very first time that a predator has killed one of my chickens. My friend lives in the city and they have had predators kill their chickens time and time again.
Agnes was the absolute best girl and was one of most friendliest chickens out of our 13 (now 12) chickens.
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So, I was curious about what this predator could be that got her. There were feathers 5 feet from where the main pile was so do you think it was a ground predator that attacked her and dragged her away, or do you think it was an aerial predator? And how could I limit these predators and keep them away from my chickens? Despite me having two roos, they did nothing to save Agnes's life. Although, she could have been isolated from the flock, or the entire flock saw the predator and then ran for cover including the roosters. Once when a hawk was attacking one of my hens, Winnie, the roos were right there and did nothing (maybe they didn't see her?) So we took immediate action and chased the hawk away.
So anyway, here are ALL of the predators that I have either seen or heard in my yard:
Owls, hawks, turkey vultures (they wouldn't attack chickens I don't think), definitely other birds of prey.

Ground predators:
Coyotes, foxes, skunks, neighbor's cats, racoons, opposums, and probably weasels and mink but they would just kill her and suck the blood and leave her body.

I know that she was attacked during the day, not at night because she always went to bed or was in the nesting box at least. So It couldn't have been any of those nocturnal animals. Oh, and none of my other chickens are harmed. That right there shows me that the roosters didn't protect Agnes. No blood on combs, wattles, nothing like that.

Thanks so much! Feel free to ask any questions.
I know what killed her. All predators who kill at night would have been foxes, coyotes, racoons, ETC. The only animal that could kill at day and leave feathers like that, would have been an HAWK. That killed 2 of my chicks too. Im so sorry for your hen's loss. RIP for Agnes.
I know what killed her. All predators who kill at night would have been foxes, coyotes, racoons, ETC. The only animal that could kill at day and leave feathers like that, would have been an HAWK. That killed 2 of my chicks too. Im so sorry for your hen's loss. RIP for Agnes.
Thanks so much 🥰
We do have a lot of hawks, and they HAVE attempted to get one of my girls once but we heard her screaming so we ran outside to chase it away. My yard is very open and we only have trees in our woods mostly so it's the perfect hunting ground for hawks because they can see everything.
Thanks so much 🥰
We do have a lot of hawks, and they HAVE attempted to get one of my girls once but we heard her screaming so we ran outside to chase it away. My yard is very open and we only have trees in our woods mostly so it's the perfect hunting ground for hawks because they can see everything.
Also I'm really sorry about your 2 chickens☹️:hugs
Thanks so much 🥰
We do have a lot of hawks, and they HAVE attempted to get one of my girls once but we heard her screaming so we ran outside to chase it away. My yard is very open and we only have trees in our woods mostly so it's the perfect hunting ground for hawks because they can see everything.
The only way to protect your flock is to have them in a covered run. I only let mine in an outer pen that is small when I am with them. A hawk picked up on of my neighbors chickens and he threw his shoe at it and it dropped it. They always let theirs just run around and after that they rehomed them. So sorry for your loss. That hawk will be back again.
Agnes just died yesterday. This was a complete surprise. This morning when the chickens were let out, I later realized that Agnes was not there. And she is NOT the type to go wandering around the yard by herself. She usually stays with at least one chicken. We were very puzzled and looked around the entire yard. That's when we found a giant pile of white feathers 😞 A predator had gotten to her. I live in a rural area and this is surprisingly the very first time that a predator has killed one of my chickens. My friend lives in the city and they have had predators kill their chickens time and time again.
Agnes was the absolute best girl and was one of most friendliest chickens out of our 13 (now 12) chickens.
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So, I was curious about what this predator could be that got her. There were feathers 5 feet from where the main pile was so do you think it was a ground predator that attacked her and dragged her away, or do you think it was an aerial predator? And how could I limit these predators and keep them away from my chickens? Despite me having two roos, they did nothing to save Agnes's life. Although, she could have been isolated from the flock, or the entire flock saw the predator and then ran for cover including the roosters. Once when a hawk was attacking one of my hens, Winnie, the roos were right there and did nothing (maybe they didn't see her?) So we took immediate action and chased the hawk away.
So anyway, here are ALL of the predators that I have either seen or heard in my yard:
Owls, hawks, turkey vultures (they wouldn't attack chickens I don't think), definitely other birds of prey.

Ground predators:
Coyotes, foxes, skunks, neighbor's cats, racoons, opposums, and probably weasels and mink but they would just kill her and suck the blood and leave her body.

I know that she was attacked during the day, not at night because she always went to bed or was in the nesting box at least. So It couldn't have been any of those nocturnal animals. Oh, and none of my other chickens are harmed. That right there shows me that the roosters didn't protect Agnes. No blood on combs, wattles, nothing like that.

Thanks so much! Feel free to ask any questions.
Oh my goodness, this is so strange and sad to read because yesterday my chicken Agnes was found yesterday too, she never went off on her own usually but we found a pile of feathers, then blood, more feathers, and eventually found her body further in the garden amongst the reeds. I'm not 100% sure what got her, but I reckon it was a goanna. Her head and one leg and innards were all gone. I think a dog would have taken her whole body, and we don't get hawks around here. Sorry you lost your Agnes too, it's so sad to lose a chicken this way :(

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