2 1/2 month old Runner is high pitched today

We had a couple days of rain. But it's spring so there tends to be quite a bit here. She hasn't had any issues up until this point. They free range most the time so they're not stuck in one wet area all the time and they're night time set up is dry. Well there was a night that my goose knocked the water over, apparently she knows how to untie a rope now (they're all the same age so together at night until peace is made with the rest of the flock) and it was a bit soggy on one side but Ginny stays on the opposite side most the time. Plan to keep water out for them at night soon.
One of my runners - tofu, has always been one with more of a squeak. Not this long of a noise, but just constant little squeaks. I've heard a good quack out of her but this is literally how I tell which grey one she is because of the squeak 😊 she's fine otherwise. She's unique and I love her for it lol
One of my runners - tofu, has always been one with more of a squeak. Not this long of a noise, but just constant little squeaks. I've heard a good quack out of her but this is literally how I tell which grey one she is because of the squeak 😊 she's fine otherwise. She's unique and I love her for it lol
I don't know if it was just a change she was going through or what lol. She had already developed her quack so I thought it shouldn't be anything having to do with that. And I figured if she was going to have a squeaky quack that's how it would've been before. Her quack is more high pitched than the others and much faster but as the week progressed it got higher and higher to the point it wasn't even a quack anymore. I thought it may be a respiratory thing cause the squeak is a symptom so started putting vetRx in her water and sometimes a few drops directly into her mouth. Shortly after starting drops in her mouth the quack became more frequent and now it's back to the way it was before. No more seagull duck lol.

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