2 week old chicks trying to fly out of brooder

What advice would you give if you don't have the space for a larger brooder inside the house, but the weather isn't good enough for them to go outside?
Multiple cardboard boxes cut up to form a bigger box. A kiddie pool with a chicken wire surround. Bath tub. Dog exercise pen (as long as the wire openings aren't too big, or accounted for).
Hi! Im a brand new chick mom. My girls are just about 2 weeks old and their brooder is a plastic tote right now. What advice would you give if you don't have the space for a larger brooder inside the house, but the weather isn't good enough for them to go outside? I have a shed, but it's super drafty
I just got this pop up pet tent from Amazon and it hardly takes up a lot of space. It could go in your room, bathroom, honestly anywhere unless you have dogs inside. I have to keep mine in our office room cause we have dogs that would get to them.


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I just got this pop up pet tent from Amazon and it hardly takes up a lot of space. It could go in your room, bathroom, honestly anywhere unless you have dogs inside. I have to keep mine in our office room cause we have dogs that would get to them.
I do have dogs but so far one is totally scared of them and the other (the best senior girl) is content to just sit there and watch haha
Hi! Im a brand new chick mom. My girls are just about 2 weeks old and their brooder is a plastic tote right now. What advice would you give if you don't have the space for a larger brooder inside the house, but the weather isn't good enough for them to go outside? I have a shed, but it's super drafty
It's too cold here in Ontario to take mine out to play so I try and bring little bits of outside in for them.
i put in wooden blocks that they can jump on and have a little roost bar at one end. I also bring in a clump of sod and they enjoy tearing it apart. A shallow bowl of sand to play in. I have also had good luck putting a mirror in for them to look at for awhile. Playing with these usually burns off some energy. you can move the food and water out of the way for a big play session, and then put it back once they're a bit tired out. I have also had luck hanging little plastic baby toys into the bin for them to peck at.
I try to leave a whole side of the bin open as a bit of a runway as well. So instead of moving to a larger bin,I just kind of change things around where they are.

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