2015 New York Chickenstock

Don't worry about it not being a CNY location as we gave decided to throw one here every year if other BYC members want to hold one too all I can say is YAY I would love to have a few of these a year it is very enjoyable to be around others that understand chicken math.

As far as traveling I believe that is what the shark snipers does as they had one a few weeks ago and that one travels all over so the CNY one is not the only one.

Now as far as another this year we have decided to absolutely hold another I very much enjoyed it. It will probably be the end of August and you are all invited. Will let you know the exact date soon.
YAY!!! I absolutely loved meeting everyone. Myself and my daughter had a really great time... Thank goodness I had my husband build a JUMBO COOP cause chickenmath is contagious!!!

Wanted to say thanks to nutty for hosting such a great event. It was wonderful to meet so many of you. Wish I could have spoken more with you all but you know how kids are.
The chicks are adorable - do they loose some of their white as they get older, as I see other colored feathers still coming in? I've never had Millie Fleur Cochin chicks before, so I'm not familiar with how they feather out.
The Momma broody is doing good. I think she's still looking for her "chicks" though. She didn't appear any different than my other Cochin who just hatched out chicks, too, and hardly ate while sitting - despite my attempts to get her to.

@ myfivegirls................... the chicks will molt a couple more times before they get their adult feathers. I would think each time they moult there will be less & less white. Their Dad was either the Mille roo, whose color is a beautiful rich fawn with the black & white markings with black feather in his hackles & tail, or the black mottled. So I don't expect the babies to keep all that white. Please post pics as they change
can you just change your name or do you have to do a new account?
New account.... you have to have a different email account to attach it to.
[COLOR=008080]I liked being able to participate in Chickenstock this year! Thanks for the invite and everyone who made it happen!  Especially our gracious host & family![/COLOR]

 The little chick I bought is nuts!  He broke out last night on my way home and was playing on the floor between the gas pedal and the brake...Finally coralled him under the seat!  Lovely lil thing who is now at home with a hona, swedish flower, EE and Spitzhauben chick!  Can't wait to see what happens with the eggs. I am so excited for this line!  Did you get rid of the legbar gals?[/COLOR]

I'm just picturing a little black chick running loose in my car as I'm cruising down I-90, whoa! Not sure what would happen next. So glad everyone is alright!
Just got in from our long drive! Metella and Baking are still on their way home, but I got the new cochin chicks settled in their brooder. Einstein and Witchypants are spending the night inside tonight because it's thunderstorming over here and I wasn't about to fuss with getting them in their coop in this weather. I had tons of fun seeing everyone again!
I got in at about 10:30 pm got the kids settled and then crashed face first

Peeped dinner & did dishes in my fancy new apron. Thanks Luv! Can't believe all the plants I came home w. And DH didn't freak out that I came home w 2 new birds, bc in the end total chx population was reduced by 8. :)So glad my babies found good homes!

Rancher, that del roo u sent is giant. Is that a typical size for Delaware Roos?

thank you for adopting a bunch of my plants ;) it was great seeing you all
For the person who won my cemani and cemani cross eggs in the auction, I can't remember who it was, but this is an example of what the crosses can look like:

love this pic i am pretty sure it was my henny hen
Don't worry about it not being a CNY location as we gave decided to throw one here every year if other BYC members want to hold one too all I can say is YAY I would love to have a few of these a year it is very enjoyable to be around others that understand chicken math.

As far as traveling I believe that is what the shark snipers does as they had one a few weeks ago and that one travels all over so the CNY one is not the only one.

Now as far as another this year we have decided to absolutely hold another I very much enjoyed it. It will probably be the end of August and you are all invited. Will let you know the exact date soon.

That would be fabulous! My friend & I had a great time. Thank you & your family for being such gracious hosts....
I'm just picturing a little black chick running loose in my car as I'm cruising down I-90, whoa! Not sure what would happen next. So glad everyone is alright!
Lol...We were on the backroads of Vienna....I knew he was coming because I have eyes in the back of my head. I saw him coming as he flew over my shoulder and jumped on the dash then steering wheel then on the floor. Reminded me of a two year old when they throw something over your shoulder when you are driving.

I laughed my butt off. I am going to name it houdini because it got out of the brooder box after I duct taped the top on! Or Maybe Cris Angel or David Blain

No worries about distractions...I used to log about 70,000+ road miles a year.

@Nutty would love to come back in August. ( I should have a nice crop of organic garlic and fruits and veggies by then and the rest of my flock should be laying)

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