Open Contest 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!


Just hatched today. Goldie (left) and her daughter Golden Girl (right) brooded together to hatch out this next generation cutie.

Goldie is a bantam mix and Golden Girl comes from Goldie and an Easter Egger cock.

My husband says he likes this picture better, so even though there's not too much difference between the two, I'll enter this one, too.
First chick (Speckled Sussex) proves he reached puberty today by crowing. He has been trying for two weeks but today he finally crowed in the late morning. Still not exactly dot on but much better.
One of the three Araucana chicks we have. She seems like the queen of the coop. Love her feathered face. We have her hatching brother too. He looks like he will have barring. No cheek feather though. We have one in our brooder who is going to be white as well but again no facial feathers
Nice looking birds. Unfortunately, they cannot be cropped. Feel free to enter replacements.
So excited, here are my babies!

First picture, Lavendar orp & buff
Second, Blue copper marans
Third, Easter Egger
Fourth, Buff orp, Dominque, RIR
Fifth, RIR
Cute picture, but it's too small to judge. Do you have the original, full-sized version?

This one is also too small, but it cannot be cropped, so feel free to enter a replacement.

This one is big enough, but it cannot be cropped, so feel free to enter a replacement.
Cool shot, but too small to judge. Do you have the original, full-sized version?
Another cool shot, but too small to judge. Do you have the original, full-sized version?

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