Buff Orpington bumble foot Need help! Healing? Purple spot?


Sancta Maria Mater Dei!
Premium Feather Member
Apr 23, 2023
My Buff Oprington has Bumblefoot and I was wondering if it's healing?
I posted in my other thread yesterday and I got no answers.

She has this purple mark with some white on it. Does anyone know what that could be?
I would love if you could reply in my other thread but here is fine too. I posted more detail here:

I'm going to clean it again right now and see if there is anything under the purple.

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Actually this doesn't look all that bad! I'd say it is definitely healing. Id keep it wrapped to keep bacteria out of it, dry too. The purple looks like bruising to me. I think a couple few more weeks in a bandage and she should be all healed! 😊
Okay, Thank you so much for the reply! I was just worried something else was hurting her foot. Do you think she still has infection in her foot?
Okay, Thank you so much for the reply! I was just worried something else was hurting her foot. Do you think she still has infection in her foot?
With infection there is generally swelling, hardness and redness. Her pad looks soft, pink and deflated so I don't think there is any active infection. I think at this point her body should be able to handle any lingering infection if there is any.
With infection there is generally swelling, hardness and redness. Her pad looks soft, pink and deflated so I don't think there is any active infection. I think at this point her body should be able to handle any lingering infection if there is any.
Sounds good! I will keep treating her for a few more weeks.

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