23 weeks and Still NO Eggs.

This is my first BY flock I have ever had. I have a mixed flock of 10 that have all been raised together. Some look really mature and the others don’t. They are now 23 weeks and still no eggs !

I know the feeling. It's hard to be patient when you are eager to gather those first eggs from your first flock. 23 weeks is still young to start but they can lay at that age.

I have raised chickens for all most 11 years and I still get impatient waiting for young pullets to lay their first egg....LOL!

My White Plymouth Rock just laid her first egg at 36 weeks old but my Barred Plymouth Rock started at 23 weeks old. Go figure.

Your girls that have a larger red comb and squat for you should be your first ones to lay. All signs that they are maturing nicely.

Be sure to post your first egg for us. Good luck and Happy Chicken Keeping!

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