4 month old Silkie/Bantam Rooster-Aggressive behavior towards ME.


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2015
I am a newbie,... so not sure what I should do about my Lucy who is now Luke..... I have had him other two hens since they were 6wks. I look at them as pets with perks "eggs" However last month Lucy is now Luke,(crowing) which was fine, love him no matter what, but he has become aggressive to me when I feed or clean the coop and run. He lunges twards me, stomps his feet, and acts like he will jump at me if I turn my back to him. Yesterday I used a small stick to push him gently back ...and he pecked at it :( He even jumps up into the coop/nesting area, when I go to clean and collect eggs. He wont let the hens come near me which they all used to come running to the door, waiting to get treats and love. Now Im not enjoying my girls cuz of him. I dont know what to do to change his behavior towards me. Will he grow out of it? Frustrated :(
Sorry, but I think his behavior will get worse as he gets older. I know of no way to stop it. I have had to part with roosters like this in the past.
They don't grow out of that kind of behavior. Instead, it usually intensifies and gets worse. If you can't perform basic care for your flock without getting attacked, it's time to rehome that boy. Understand that most males like that, will end up dinner. It's really the most humane option. A rooster that aggressive is living in pure terror that everything/everyone is out to hurt his flock. That level of terror and anxiety is not healthy for him, and you can't really do anything about it.

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