5 month old Indian Runner Duck can barely stand or walk. I


Nov 14, 2024
I noticed the duck was first unsteady and wobbling, not eating or drinking much, on October 31st, when I initially called the vet, which could have been from the other female mounting her and repeatedly pushing her under the water. I did administer the anti inflammatory medication that was prescribed for 5 days, along with keeping her in separate place inside, kept warm. Days 4 to7, she had some time outside time in an area alone and seemed to be stronger and walking more steadily. She was returned to the coop on day 7 and monitored. The other 3 ducks responded well to her return.

However, this past Sunday evening, the 10th, I noticed that she was back to stumbling over and looking very weak, hiding in the corner, not eating or drinking. She was brought inside again. The vet doesn't think its a niacin deficiency. She has been on a waterfowl feed since she was 2 days old. I can only guess that maybe it's a bullying issue I'm missing and she's not getting sufficient feed? I thought maybe an ear infection, but I don't see any signs or symptoms other than the weak legs and imbalance. I do not feel any type of swelling, indicating that she's eggbound.

I have her inside and have given her nutri drench in her water, feed with brewers yeast and I have been offering her peas and fish for the extra niacin. She's eating and drinking a bit, but doesn't walk and trembles a bit when standing. She feels a bit cold.
I was just wondering if there could be another underlying cause or possible disease that I am missing. Other than being weak and having trouble walking, all else seems well. And she did perk up last time after a week in isolation.
What brand of feed are you feeding? Brewers yeast and peas can be great preventatives, but they are not 100%. It sounds like a niacin deficiency. I would pick up Durvets B complex and start her at 1ml a day.
The vet hasn't been out to see her, but doesn't think its a deficiency since she has been eating feed specifically formulated for ducks since she was a duckling... and thank you for replying, I am so worried.
The vet hasn't been out to see her, but doesn't think its a deficiency since she has been eating feed specifically formulated for ducks since she was a duckling... and thank you for replying, I am so worried.
Is your vet a waterfowl vet? Because it is not uncommon at all for a duck to become niacin deficient even with being fed a waterfowl feed. I have had it happen and so have many others on here.
Would poultry cell work. That is readily available near me, the durvets is not
It can definitely help and you could start with that. I have used it to treat minor deficiencies, but if she isn’t showing improvement within a week I would add human grade niacin capsules (not flush free).
Thank you. I ordered the Durvet B complex, coming in sat. I hope she makes it. i have added the poultry cell and some other vitamins with electrolytes to her water. she isn't drinking much, barely ate a few peas, no feed. She cannot stand on her own now and her keel bone is quite prominent. I had a chicken last year like this, who died. the vet thinks it was a genetic disorder. Thanks again, I don't want to give up on her, she's such a sweet bird.
Thank you. I ordered the Durvet B complex, coming in sat. I hope she makes it. i have added the poultry cell and some other vitamins with electrolytes to her water. she isn't drinking much, barely ate a few peas, no feed. She cannot stand on her own now and her keel bone is quite prominent. I had a chicken last year like this, who died. the vet thinks it was a genetic disorder. Thanks again, I don't want to give up on her, she's such a sweet bird.
If you can I would dose her with poultry cell directly non-diluted.

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