911, duck snatched by coyote

I had a Call Duck that had a prolapse a few weeks ago. I saw a video on how a vet amputated the end of the penis that had turned into gangrene. It was from several years ago and the cost was $750.00 way back then. I thought to myself, if I don't do it he will die and if I do I might save him. I did it and he is just fine and running around like nothing ever happened to him. Sometimes we become homemade vets and I am thankful for YouTube.
That's exactly what I meant to be able to do. Vets are generally clueless about waterfowl. Like they've never had one on their table before! You've is awesome!
@Tinabuglaw hows your duck today?
She passed during the early morning hours
I am so sorry for you loss. Know that things happen and it is not your fault. I figured when you said she was having breathing that things did not look good as that puncher wound looked very deep. Again I am so sorry that you lost her.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I actually had my drake snagged by a coyote earlier in the year. It took a good chunk of his breast and part of his neck, so I had planned on culling it, but decided to nurse it instead. Took me several weeks of constantly cleaning out the wounds and changing his bandages out, but it did survive the attack. His feathers grew back out and now you could never really tell that it was ever close to death.

Again, sorry to hear about you loss, but just wanted to do a testimony about how, with alot of patience and TLC, one can nurse a badly injured bird back to good health.

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