A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Hi everyone I was wondering if I could have some help? My aunt just called me n asked if I could take an abandoned turkey she said it's a hen and has been in the middle of town for a few weeks if the township gets her they will just put her down and be done with it. My aunt and her friends are going to try and get her to me in the next few days. I'm sure she is under nourished and god knows what else I didn't expect this so my question is how do I prepare quickly I have chickens and I ferment there feed can she eat that and what kind of housing and anything else I may have missed? Also she will be quarantined for a while.

She will need turkey feed. Game feed especially if she is undernourished and in the condition you describe. They need more protein than a chicken. The feed stores have a game feed of around 22-27% protein.

Otherwise quarantine and treat like any other new member to your flock. I am not sure if fermented feed would work or not. I do not feed fermented feeds. They will get along fine together (chicks and turks).. The only thing to beware of is blackhead, depending on your area, soil type and parasites.
I'd be packing Sidekicks suitcase! Mr. Fluffy Puffy is so interesting. How cool would that be to develop a line of fizzle turkeys! Of course you'd have to call them twizzles. Seriously, I would be interested to see if he produces those feathers. Yeah....his bags would be packed & I'd be idling in the driveway!

Poor sidekick for being a loyal pet turkey for 2 years his reward is to be traded for the first cute redheaded mutation that comes along!
Discussion about Oldhen's fluff ball is heating up over on the Porter genetics forum. I like the theory that he's a 500 year old genetic throwback. Apparently the pilgrims described turkeys as "hairy". How crazy is this!
Hi everyone I was wondering if I could have some help? My aunt just called me n asked if I could take an abandoned turkey she said it's a hen and has been in the middle of town for a few weeks if the township gets her they will just put her down and be done with it. My aunt and her friends are going to try and get her to me in the next few days. I'm sure she is under nourished and god knows what else I didn't expect this so my question is how do I prepare quickly I have chickens and I ferment there feed can she eat that and what kind of housing and anything else I may have missed? Also she will be quarantined for a while.

I feed my entire flock, turkeys, chickens, chicks, poults ask the same. About 22% starter/grower and I also ferment. You can feed her your chicken feed. If I we're you though, I'd supplement with some scrambled eggs for extra protien and vitamins until she regains health/weight. As for housing, you'll want to keep her quarentined from your flock for AT LEAST 2 weeks to make sure she doesn't have any illnesses. I use a 2 x 6, fat side up as a roost for my turkeys. Like Ralph said, watch her once she's or of quarentine to make sure she gets along with the chickens. If she does, maybe she'll just join in with them.
So, I lost the weak poult overnight. She just want strong enough. In a way I'm relieved. She had no quality of life the way things were for her. I'm leaving her little doughnut nest thing in the brooder though. The rest of the poults just LOVE that thing!

In other news, all 17 of my BCM eggs that were locked down hatched! I'm now overrun with little black balls of fluff! I'll get some pictures later, since I know you'll all be demanding them ;)
Aurora: sorry you lost your poult. I had a few like that last year. Such a hard struggle to get into the world and too weak to make it.

Memphis: haven't seen old hens tom except on this thread. Feathers look like maribou that you could tie flies with. Pretty cool looking tom .

Supposed to be 63 here today. Better enjoy today and weekend as next weeks weather is back to pitiful.

I need 1 more dog pen and my chicken and turkeys run will be completed 140 x 80. With 6 breeding pens. So maybe can keep them from wandering and feeding predators. That way I also don't have a daily easter egg hunt.
Feedman....looks like your weather is going to be perfect for completing your pens. Your set up sounds great!

Aurora. ...sorry about the poult. Since the babies love the "Poult Pot", you may want to consider adding some toys for them to play with! For mental simulation! I'm about half serious....I do that with my puppies...you could start a whole line of "Turkey Toys"! :lol:
Geez, now I'm thinking about Aurora's new line of Turkey Toys...I can see the marketing campaign now..."Perfect for Poult Playtime" !!

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