A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Interesting, I am just trying to learn this stuff.

I am guessing it is a cross between a red and a slate with maybe a little Narragansett thrown in.

I am guessing it has a Dd. Rr and who knows what else. It is some kind of barring..

Not much of a guess from me. BTW I did not ask on the genetics site even!!!

As I look again, I am wondering if that is even a American turkey. There is barring and feather tips are painted ..

Tell me, tell me, tell me. I like the looks but I like all turkeys ..

I have no idea what it is but thought your buddies might find them interesting. I suspect that they are not American turkeys since the owners live on an island.

A tip, to get to the original post, click on the little arrow to the right of Originally posted by in the quoted area.

Originally Posted by johnnysousa

I think that they are very pretty turkeys.
Thanks I never knew that trick to ge to original. That will prove useful.

I liked the red tips on. The feathers. I am at my son's providing Grandpa day care services, So I can't ask on FB here on my phone, it is beyond my tech savvie abilities...
Lifted from another thread.

Right click on image and click on open link in new tab.  Try and figure out what variety these turkeys are.

It might help to know that I'm Portuguese and live in the Azores islands, so this trukeys probably descend from European breeds
Would love to see more pictures! They are pretty. Are they the only two you have? We have a good time figuring the genetics behind the different varieties.
I have 2 more. I'll post pictures tomorrow. But if you guys could swing by the photo's original tread I would really appreciate it. He is really sick.
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Well the weather has been beautiful the last 2day

Got some accomplishef on my turkey pens. Hens must know what coming. See me working in there and avoid me like I have a big axe in my hand.

Quit working and come out they are all around me looking for treats.

Not turkey related but went to small animal sale today. Bought 2 breeding pairs of red golden pheasants. Was wanting to try my hand at pheasants. So now I have to build a another pen for them to reside. Got them in a large screend in chicken house for the interim.
I have 2 more. I'll post pictures tomorrow. But if you guys could swing by the photo's original tread I would really appreciate it. He is really sick.

So sorry to hear that he's not getting better :( I'm a first year turkey owner, so not much experience to share. Have you tried posting on the Emergencies thread? They have some very helpful and knowledgable experts who may be able to provide some advice or narrow down what might be wrong with him.

It's been a cold, rainy (torrential) day here - I'm jealous of those that got to do "outside" work today :D I did my inside barn cleaning and then sat down for some 'hen hugs' with Big Bird. She's really getting quite demanding and very vocal about it - DH let them out this morning and when he came back to the house, he said that she was really loud barking at him. I went out, cleaned the barn, put her on my lap and she went to sleep :p Funny bird - I wouldn't have expected it from her - she's always been a bit skittish about being handled. The girl who says she wants one of my boys emailed again - she says she's willing to drive up and get him (2-3 hours). Will keep my fingers crossed that it works out, she wants to give him 5-7 hens of his own which will make a very happy teenage boy turkey :)
Sounds like Big Bird is really bonding with you. Your new best buddy! I find it fascinating how they can bond so strongly. The more time you spend with her the more confident she's becoming. Maybe that's why she's talking more...she wants attention! I think it's great she's become a lapper! Hens can be so sweet. :)

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