A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I am very mad at myself. Crap crap crap crap! I closed up my pen last night thinking all the chickens and turkeys were inside, but this morning I found what was left of Poppyseed out in the back field.

I was late going out to close up, and in the dark, I counted chickens, saw the turkeys, and just assumed all three were there and didn't give it another thought. Man, after it happened to Cranberry last fall, I have been so careful not to let any of them stay outside the fence at night. Poor poor Poppyseed.

I was only planning to keep two of her babies when they hatch, but now I think I want to keep more of them.

Hey R2elk- Congratulations on your poults hatching!

Sorry about your loss. I did something similar years ago. On a Thanksgiving evening I did not shut the gate to the turkey pen and the next morning I found my 11 year old Bourbon Red tom half eaten.

Thanks for your comment on the poults.
Finnie - so sorry to hear about Poppyseed
. Hopefully you keep a bunch of poults!

Ralph - I'm glad Coffee is doing well. I can relate to the 'hen pancake' thing, Coco is still parked on her chicken eggs and defending them valiantly against prying eyes. I KNOW you have babies.... A few shots would be lovely

R2Elk - you should post some more poult pics, the first one was adorable! I'm needing to see some more little fuzzy butts.

Aurora - No pics recently....how are the mottled babies doing? Is Pebbles staying off the nest?

Nap time

Now we're awake

So sorry Finnie. I did something similar with my bkue slate hen Edith... An owl ended up getting her one night.
adorable pics!

I woke up this morning and both the water dish and food dish were empty in my brooder. The babies are so young so they didn't care too much about it but they were quite content to pile up in nice cozy "beds" in them lol. I should've took a picture. It was VERY cute :)
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Aurora Thanks for giving e credit for R2elks pictures! I like taking other peoples work and calling it my own, I should run for office as well as I do it....

R2elk, great pictures, is that one a chocolate? I see the fingernail polish, I have started using that. It is great!
Aurora Thanks for giving e credit for R2elks pictures! I like taking other peoples work and calling it my own, I should run for office as well as I do it....

R2elk, great pictures, is that one a chocolate? I see the fingernail polish, I have started using that. It is great!

There are only Blue Slate and Self Blue poults. The brown one is the product of a Rose Comb Brown Leghorn bred by a Cream Legbar rooster. When it grows up it will look like a Cream Legbar with a rose comb (at least the hens will look like that). The white ones are Sapphires except for the ones with the fingernail polish. Those are White Leghorn pullets.

The fingernail polish works good as long as it is put on top of the head. The head feathers are the last to come so the polish on the head is good for about a month.

Thanks everyone for the comments on the pics.
There are only Blue Slate and Self Blue poults. The brown one is the product of a Rose Comb Brown Leghorn bred by a Cream Legbar rooster. When it grows up it will look like a Cream Legbar with a rose comb (at least the hens will look like that). The white ones are Sapphires except for the ones with the fingernail polish. Those are White Leghorn pullets.

The fingernail polish works good as long as it is put on top of the head. The head feathers are the last to come so the polish on the head is good for about a month.

Thanks everyone for the comments on the pics.

I thought it had a funny looking head!!!

Will they lay Blue eggs?
Brown leghorns lay white eggs and the crosses get the blue egg gene from the rooster. Blue is dominant over white so yes they will lay blue eggs. The bad feature is that the rose comb brown leghorns only lay a medium size egg.

Maybe the size is bad, but people love having the blue eggs! I am all for getting rid of single combs.

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