A-Z of chicken diseases

47. Cecal worms
Heterakis gallinarum is a type of internal parasite that infest the ceca. They are extremely common.
Cecal worms act as the main host for histomonas meleagridis, the cause of blackhead disease.
Inflammation of the ceca may be seen.

Life cycle:
The life cycle is approximately 4 weeks long.
Once inside the chicken, the adults produce eggs, which are transferred to the faeces. The eggs remain in the soil/bedding until they are ingested by another chicken. The eggs hatch in the upper intestine, and the larvae migrate to the ceca. Earthworms can also act as intermediate hosts. The eggs can remain viable for up to 3 years.

Listlessness; depression; unthriftiness; slow growth; reduced egg production; diarrhoea; pale comb
This is if there is a severe infestation.

Removal of faeces from coops and runs
Rotate pens to different areas
Pest control
Practise good sanitation.
Sorry I lost this thread :oops: it’s so annoying, for some reason it always stops notifying me to new posts in threads that I haven’t replied to in a while. I’m all caught up now though!
48. Cerebellar hypoplasia
This is a neurological disorder of chicks. It is caused by inadequate development of the cerebellum and fluid pressure exerted on the brain. It has been associated with Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV).
Clinical signs show in day old chicks

Paddling of legs; incoordination; lack of balance; diarrhoea.

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