air cell on the side of the egg?


Whipper snapper
11 Years
Nov 3, 2010
So this is my problem. I have 11blrw eggs and all are due to hatch the 12. When I candled them tonight I noticed this.

This picture is just a picture of the egg. I did not move the position so you can see where the air cell is.

I'm thinking of this one going to lockdown tonight 2 days early with small end up and lean it so the air cell is higher. Sound good or does someone have a different suggestion? I know I'm probably going to have to help it hatch. Any ideas are appreciated.
I have the same issue with one of mine and the only advice i have found so far is to keep a good eye on it because you might have to help it hatch also using a pencil to trace the outline of the air cell helps so that you will know when it pips if it is in the air cell or not mine are due to hatch on the 15th, if you could let me know how yours hatchs that would be super helpful so i can be prepared, sorry im not more help :)
So far the chick is alive inside the egg still. Today is day 20 and when I candled it because a couple of the others pipped I could see some movement inside this egg. Keeping a close eye just in case the little one needs some help. Watching for a pip in this egg as of right now.
I have one like this, too. So far it seems to be ok but I'll be watching to see if anyone provides any advice or input here. :)
So, as I read this, it seems that the air cell can be manipulated? My son put our eggs back into the incubator upside down yesterday (day 13), and I just found today. I turned them correctly hoping that all would readjust. We have an automatic turner. Great information here!!
I have bad news, the chick did not make it but I honestly do not think the way the air cell was had anything to do with it. I believe my incubators spiked to 104 and killed the remaining eggs because I had 4 that did not hatch. They were fully formed and had absorbed almost all of the yolk. Les than a half inch left of the yolk and they were done. I am guessing a late day 20 death.
Sop sorry to hear it mine that had the same aircell as yours hatched great where as the one with a perfect aircell was upside down in the egg and couldn't pip and would have suffocated if it wasn't for me being so impatient that i opened a view hole. Heres a pic of the sideways aircell guy
I have a BLRW egg with a wonky sideways aircell too. It's only day 11 though so I'm hoping as the air cell expands it will move toward the end like it's supposed to be.
I have a BLRW egg with a wonky sideways aircell too. It's only day 11 though so I'm hoping as the air cell expands it will move toward the end like it's supposed to be.

Mine started to even out after day 14 it was originally saddle shaped coming down a lot on one side, then it kinda changed shape and fixed its self but it was still way to far down on one side and very big, chick did fine though :)

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