AITA for not wanting small kids to chase/ handle the chickens?

As a parent I would be absolutely appalled and embarrassed if my boys started chasing around someone’s chickens. My kids know that you respect animals, always ask before you go into someone else’s barn/coop, always ask before you pet/pick-up someone else’s animals and never put an animal in a situation where they feel threatened. If she wants those kids to learn a lesson it should be about basic respect for all living things. My nieces came to visit once. I explicitly said no one was to be in the barn around the animals unsupervised. Not even 10 minutes later I heard my animals going crazy and came out to them chasing my poultry around. One of the girls managed to grab a bird and got the crap scratched out of her chest. I am not a person who yells so when I raise my voice everyone and I mean everyone knows that I mean business. I very loudly and sternly said “Put down the birds, get out of my barn before I pack you all up, put you back in your car and send you home. I do not give a d**n that you just had a 7 hour trip I will make it 14.” Her mother came over and said “Did you warn her about their nails? She is all scratched up!”. I replied “That bird was defending itself against your little angel attacking it. Maybe your daughter will learn next time to listen to what she is told”. Guess what? That was 3 years ago and I have not invited them back.
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