So how do folks in the area stand on the whole "supplement light come fall" thing? I'd like eggs all year long, but if it's bad for the chickies then not so much. What do yall think/do?
I think they need a bit of rest. When ours stop, it has only been for a month or two. Some only slow down. Then, it is back to an egg a day. In the past, we have just ate less eggs during that time. I have tried the store eggs when we ran is like eatting store tomatoes. Blah! I think this year, I will just keep several extra cartons instead of giving them away.
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I don't supplement and still get enough eggs for the family. I had ten laying hens last winter and although I may have only gotten four or five eggs a day, it was plenty for us. Once spring hit and nine pullets hit POL, I get over 30 dozen a month.
We don't supplement light, either. But the hens do slow down.

We got our first lavender orpington egg today!!!!!!
I'm so excited. I've got some descendants of 5th generation hinkjc birds and they are BEAUTIFUL! They did not grow as fast as my marans, but they have surpassed them in size now! I will have to post updated pics soon! Of course, the first egg was about the size of a ping pong ball ... lol! My three-year old insisted on having it for dinner tonight she was so excited!
I let mine have a break in the fall and early winter. I can deal with the reduced production. This year I added lighting in late winter. (Late Jan early Feb.) To get production started so that I could start hatching. I just couldn't wait any longer.
I will probably do the same again this winter.
Hey y'all--I posted this in another section, but i really need some quick feedback that isn't happening :( I am worried about my girls....

-My 4 week olds are in their brooder and are peeping like crazy--almost constantly. The temperature is fine--they are evenly spaced around the brooder. They are eating and drinking. I have things for them to climb on and have given them some treats...but they keep on cheeping. They seem healthy and problem free? Why are they being so loud and sounding semi-distressed? This has been going on for about half a day....
Did you change the bedding or do anything different? Are there any loud sounds (dog barking) nearby? Did you check their rears for poopy rear? I can't think of anything else.

Hey y'all--I posted this in another section, but i really need some quick feedback that isn't happening :( I am worried about my girls....

-My 4 week olds are in their brooder and are peeping like crazy--almost constantly. The temperature is fine--they are evenly spaced around the brooder. They are eating and drinking. I have things for them to climb on and have given them some treats...but they keep on cheeping. They seem healthy and problem free? Why are they being so loud and sounding semi-distressed? This has been going on for about half a day....

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