Hey y'all--I posted this in another section, but i really need some quick feedback that isn't happening :( I am worried about my girls....

-My 4 week olds are in their brooder and are peeping like crazy--almost constantly. The temperature is fine--they are evenly spaced around the brooder. They are eating and drinking. I have things for them to climb on and have given them some treats...but they keep on cheeping. They seem healthy and problem free? Why are they being so loud and sounding semi-distressed? This has been going on for about half a day....
Have they just started the loud peeping? If so, what has changed since it started? Is there anything irritating in the brooder (cedar shavings, sevin dust, etc.) Have you put any type of medication or supplement in the water? I would suspect the temp is too high based on being spread out. If you still have them under a light, turn it off and see if that helps. At 4 weeks, they should have enough feathers to keep them warm in this weather, especially if there are several to snuggle together for warmth. Mine are six weeks old and have been panting all day in the shade.
Thanks so much for the response---I did clean their pen. But they have gone to sleep now, and some others suggested they are just getting tired of their brooder. Fussing...bored...that sort of thing. And they said as their chickies got older they did it too :)
Have they just started the loud peeping? If so, what has changed since it started? Is there anything irritating in the brooder (cedar shavings, sevin dust, etc.) Have you put any type of medication or supplement in the water? I would suspect the temp is too high based on being spread out. If you still have them under a light, turn it off and see if that helps. At 4 weeks, they should have enough feathers to keep them warm in this weather, especially if there are several to snuggle together for warmth. Mine are six weeks old and have been panting all day in the shade.

When I breed finches the babies were just as bad as they were growing up. About 1-1/2 weeks I had to shut my bedroom door because there peeping was loud and obnoxious!

My 4 weeks old orpingtons chicks I got are same as my finch chicks. They weren't that bad when I first got them but boy their peeping have gotten very loud. And the noise they make when they are scared or upset is even louder! Thanks goodness they are now outside for most of the day where the noise is drowned out!
**Waves!** I'm in Huntsville! New to the forum. :)
Glad to have you here! Tell us about your birds and coop.

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