Alberta breeds

mapel walnut

In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2024
Hi I am 13 and live in a small town in alberta Canada. Wondering if any body has any suggestions for egg birds that will be both cold and heat hardy I have a lost a lot of birds so I want to make sure that I get climate appropriate breeds.
There may be other breeds that are good layers that can handle winters but this is my experience with birds I've raised on my Wisconsin farm.
If you are just raising females I would recommend Welsummers because they lay large eggs extremely well through the winter. It really depends on the strain of course, but in my opinion Welsummer hens to me are the epitomy of a regular farm chicken, having better survivability than most of the other breeds I've raised. Not very fast growing or great for meat but the hens are hardy. They are assertive. They are docile but independent foragers. They are vigorous and healthy.
However, if you want roosters as well I would recommend Ameraucanas. Slightly weaker layers but still strong layers of large eggs and the males don't have single combs that could get frostbite.
Both these breeds are well insulated but not so heavy as to be inefficient for egg laying purposes.

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