Something broke down the fence to my run and killed four out of five of my hens yesterday. I believe it was during the day because no one was near the coop area and they were all out in the run (if it was after dark, they would have been in/near the coop getting ready for bed). I went outside to close the coop up when I got home and then I found them. I've only had them for about a year and a half but they were a joy.
Does this sound like a dog? Coyotes? Seems like something big because their metal and wood perch was ripped out of the ground and the metal was bent.
I feel awful and like I am in a nightmare and this isn't real. RIP Henrietta, Agatha, Tabitha and Clara.
Does this sound like a dog? Coyotes? Seems like something big because their metal and wood perch was ripped out of the ground and the metal was bent.
I feel awful and like I am in a nightmare and this isn't real. RIP Henrietta, Agatha, Tabitha and Clara.