" All dogs seen wandering this property will be shot"

you should not kill any animals what so ever. but you could report them .or take them to a shelter!
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So sorry this happened Goat_Walker. I would be furious too. I have a doberman that lives with Robert, the quail, in the house and other birds and my rabbits. She is loose with my ducks, goose and chickens in the backyard. Do I trust her not to kill another animal? Absolutely not. Given that chance I think she would and enjoy it. I would let that neighbor know that you cannot be held responsible for the safety of her dog in your yard. Take pics and have animal control contacted.
Just for the record -

I am hot tempered at times, especially when it comes to the safety of my animals, but i am old enough and have been brought up well enough to know what is right and what is wrong. I know to let my dad handle the job of shooting the neighbors dogs with the gun, as well as i know that its not my place to try to reprimand the owners - thats where bid dad's that can lift a whole truck out of a mud hole by themselves come in handy

And thanks Cheeps
I knew you were joking around and its nice to hear that my maturity level is not down in the dumps like my peers, who think that its funny to pee on people's mailboxes at 3 am.

I do however, plan on politely speaking to the owner if I see her with the dog running loose in my yard again - whether that be before or after I shoot her dog with a good sized rock for being in my yard all depends on where my ducks are.
First of all, LOVE your avatar...yummmmmmmy! LOL

Wonder why? My dobe is the same way. She's A-OK with our birds, but would gladly kill anything else. Maybe because she knows I take care of her and take care of them too?
I can't say for your area, But I know for a fact the law here states it is illegal to allow your dog to be a nuisance or a threat to you. others or livestock or pets. She allowed her dog to both a nuisance and a threat. It is also legal to shoot any animal that threatens your livestock here. Now keep in mind we have pretty liberal livestock laws here since we have open range and all land is public land. I know for a fact it is legal to both kill in any manner available to you or capture an animal that threatens your livestock or pets. animal control will actually supply the traps.
I have four Dobermans and they are not allowed to "play" with my birds because they would kill them...accidentally or on purpose, the birds would be dead...the woman who is doing this is a total idiot who should not have a comatose gold fish let alone a drivey dog like a Doberman...document like everyone has suggested and nail her butt to a tree with the facts of her assinine behavior...the dog does not know better...it is a dog...the woman should know better but is obviously missing a few brain cells....
Too many dog owners are really this ignorant. You'd think being the owner and supposed resposnible adult would automatically mean you'd know better than to say idiotic things like she did...unfortunately NO. Its common and sad. Just like when people tell me after their dog bites a third person "we never expected him to bite so many people, after all his tail is always wagging just before he has bitten" Sorry, just another example of stupidity.
bradishing a gun is a crime!!! the only time a gun sould be brought out is if you need to use it. being a minor that is asking for trouble. get pics, if possible with things that are identfiable as your yard in the back ground right now the law is in your favor. that can change quick if you start stuff like this

I was just joking about the gun, and I can tell this kid is mature enough to know that!

And I don't know where you are from, but it's most certainly not a crime where I'm from to sit on your property with a gun. Not as long as we still have the right to keep and bear arms, anyway.

Edited to say...there was no way for me to know OP was a minor....discovered that after my post. The post is titled "...dogs seen wandering this property will be SHOT", so I guess I thought I was in good company!

It become a crime when it appears to be trying to intimidate someone.... they have had words with the neighbor, so it could seem that she was trying to intimidate. I commonly carry a short 20 gauge single shot around doing chores. but I put it up before I walk over to the neighbors house to tell him his dogs were on my porch harrassing my cats
I know to let my dad handle the job of shooting the neighbors dogs with the gun, as well as i know that its not my place to try to reprimand the owners - thats where bid dad's that can lift a whole truck out of a mud hole by themselves come in handy

Kate, nice to see a young lady that realises Dad's come in handy once in a while for something other than a bank

Hehe...sit in the yard with a shot gun...I bet she'd keep the dog on a leash then!!

bradishing a gun is a crime!!! the only time a gun sould be brought out is if you need to use it. being a minor that is asking for trouble. get pics, if possible with things that are identfiable as your yard in the back ground right now the law is in your favor. that can change quick if you start stuff like this

Brandishing a gun is not always a crime. It depends on the circumstances.

That being said, as you already know, this situation does not call for a gun. I like the idea of sending your large, strong, presumably scary father over to the neighbor's house to explain about the dog and the ducks. If, after that explanation, the neighbor woman continues to allow her dog to run loose in your yard, I would think a wrist rocket pellet in the butt would teach both the dog and its owner that your dad meant what he said. (I mean shoot the dog in the butt with the wrist rocket, not the owner.) Of course documenting the repeated incidents with photos and video and the involving the responsible authorities would be the mature, responsible, adult thing to do. But not as fun as shooting the dog in the butt with a wrist rocket in front of its owner. And I write this as the loving owner of two dogs (who I know better than to let loose near anyone's pet ducks. They are TRAINED DUCK RETRIEVERS.)

Good luck.

It is your neighbor's responsibility to keep her dog under control. Likely there are laws in your area to support that fact.

That's not going to make you feel any better when your ducks are dead!

Take precautions!! Keep your animals in a secure area.

The ditch might be on your property, but the road is not. Too close for comfort in my opinion. Yeah, sure. You should be able to let your critters run free, but it doesn't always work that way.

What would I do? I'd secure my animals and I would drop that dog dead the first chance I got! It's a pity dogs keep having to pay for their owners stupidity!

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