All the Christian Homeschoolers!

That's all super cool! I wish we could expand our avian adventures, but my folks don't have too many aspirations in that regard. We might do guinea fowl at some point, but that'll be after I'm moved out. Do you mind me asking what part of the world you're from?
Not at all! I’ve lived in Arizona my entire life 😄
Hi there, I saw this thread it sounded interesting so I thought I’d join 🙃

My name is Titus (yep, named after the book in the Bible) and I’ve been homeschooled for my entire life. I’m 16 and going into my senior year of high school this year. I have seven siblings: an older sister, four younger brothers, and two younger sisters. My older sister went to a private Christian school for 1st grade, but other than that we’ve always been homeschooled (except my youngest brother and sister who are 2 years old and 9 months LOL). I like and dislike homeschooling for different reasons. On the one hand, I love how free my schedule is and how I can take breaks at any time throughout the year. But on the other hand I don’t have a lot of friends and I don’t get much social interaction, and on top of that my siblings can be very frustrating sometimes since I’m stuck at home with them 24/7. It’s alright though LOL.

I don’t have a ton of hobbies, but I love being outdoors and anything to do with nature—especially animals. I have three incubators and love hatching eggs. So far I have hatched peafowl, ducks, lots of chickens, turkeys (I actually have some hatching as I type this), and pheasants (they just hatched a couple days ago). I’ve also attempted to hatch emu eggs but was unfortunately unsuccessful. I also have other pets including a Guinea fowl, a tortoise, and two dogs. I’ve had a variety of other pets in the past as well, and the list of pets I’d like to get in the future keeps growing!

Thanks for having me on here, I hope to follow along and hear all about everyone else and the stories they’d like to share!
I also like and dislike homeschooling. The best part is the open schedule.
The part i dislike is my siblings bugging me 24/7.

Lots of animals! I hope your hatch goes well
I honestly don't mind not being around people and having many friends, sooo, not much not to like about homeschooling.
Id rather be around animals than people.
But i can just go to the chickens and sit for alone time. Until my sister comes out

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