All the Christian Homeschoolers!

How was everyone's weekend?

I got to go down the the Orthodox Church this weekend, that was good. I've only got six weeks left to pack and until I leave, and seven until I'm married!! Ahh!
That’s so exciting, and probably terrifying at the same time!

My weekend was good, just recovering from the first week of nursing school…it’s a lot, people. I’ve got some videos to watch and my first test on Tuesday, so I’m just hoping I’ve studied enough.
That’s so exciting, and probably terrifying at the same time!

My weekend was good, just recovering from the first week of nursing school…it’s a lot, people. I’ve got some videos to watch and my first test on Tuesday, so I’m just hoping I’ve studied enough.
I know quite a people in nursing school, so I've definitely heard how difficult it is! It certainly takes a lot of dedication to go through it.

Are you living on campus, off, or still able to be at home? If you aren't at home, what's the experience been like?
I know quite a people in nursing school, so I've definitely heard how difficult it is! It certainly takes a lot of dedication to go through it.

Are you living on campus, off, or still able to be at home? If you aren't at home, what's the experience been like?
Oh it sure does! This week has been an absolute whirlwind.

Thankfully I’ve been able to stay at home, as the college I’m taking classes at is just a community college down the road a ways. I can’t imagine actually staying on campus. It would be just another huge adjustment I’m not sure I could deal with at this point 😅

I’m actually one of, if not the youngest person in the whole class of fifty. I’ve found a couple people my age, but they’re all older by at least a few months. It’s kind of fun being the baby of the class, a lot of people have said they wish they’d gone into college right after high school like I’m doing.

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