Amber link

I bought six assorted hens a couple of weeks ago and the one that impressed me was the amber/silver - up every morning to lay her egg under a hedge, always chattering and talking as she did so! Nice brown eggs too! So I bought six more and they're settling in well- very placid, lovely thick covering of feathers. I put a nice red/gold cockerel in with them (a bit disconcerting for him) but he needn't have worried as they all greeted him very politely. A breed I hadn't tried before they're my favourite hens now!
My amber link is such a great hen. She lays a roundish extra large egg almost every day. I like her so much that I have four of her eggs incubating right now in the incubator. They are going to hatch on Saturday hopefully. Our rooster is a cream legbar so her chicks will be easter eggers. Can't wait to see what they will look like!
barred babies--if you cross a black sex linked pullet with a barred roo you will get at least half barred pullets and possibly all barred pullets if the roo is double barred. Cross her with her barred sexlinked "brother" and you will get half barred and half non-barred pullets.
Sadly my Amber-link died last month. She started spinning in circles and had wry neck. She did not respond to vitamin treatment, and got to the point where she could not stand or say upright, so we culled her. We did hatch four of her eggs and got one pullet which we kept. She is an adorable baby and very sweet.
I use TownLine for all my poultry orders and LOVE THEM!!
I ordered an Isa Brown and they sent me my AmberLink as a booboo.. wouldn't change it for the world. "Jewel" is one of the friendliest hens we have. Follows us around and is almost jealous if we pay any attention to any of the other ladies lol.
She is also almost completly white with only a very light yellowing around her head. I think she lays a pinkish egg thou. She started at 18 weeks exactly :)
Cool! I know this is an old string, but looking for hens and the amberlink is one of them!
Amberlink, ISA Brown, Cinnamon queen, ???

Any suggestions?

Looking for a high production brown layer,
Sweet temperament
Smaller bird size
Cold hardy
Healthy of course!
The ISA Brown or Amberlink would be your answer. Smallish birds large brown eggs and great feed conversion. I went with the Amberlink because they are slightly larger and better foragers. The cinamon Queen are larger full size birds so the feed conversion is considerable less. One reason I like the comercial brown egg layers(Amberlink and ISA Brown) is the ease of care because they don't dig their feed out of the feeders and waste it, like my heritage breeds all do. They are also very gentle and curious. Very easy to raise and enjoyable. They have been intensely bred for production by Hendrix Genetics for so many years, that the desire to dig out their feed and waste it is gone. Love em. I also raise show quality brown leghorns and Dominique's and although I really like them, they are not nearly as productive a layer as those developed for commercial production.

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