Amber link

It's a little boy no doubt. I'm not sure on the breed. I have some EE/OE boys that have that same coloring, but I'm not saying that's what he is. He's cute.
My wee one is all grown up!
Her crown and waddles are really big and red. I was afrade she would crow! No sign of an egg yet though.

I must get an updated pic. You all seemed to think she was a girl so I am still crossing my fingers and toes for an egg or we can't keep it if it turns out to be a roo boy.

WE GOT EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cleaned out the pen yesterday morning and there was no sign of anything. Then this morning when I let the girls out of the coop there was a little poop egg ( it is white!) . My 3yr old granddaughter gently took it in to show Grandad. We were so excited. Then when we got back from the store at lunchtime today she had laid another "poopegg" out in the run. The other two babies in the pen are Marans and should lay dark - they are 2/3 weeks younger than Amber.

What exactly do they look like? are they white with brown underneath? I didn't think amberlinks laid white eggs? Congradulations!!
Congrats on the eggs, but white? My Amberlinks lay brown eggs. Eggs are yummy, doesn't matter what color they are.
Well I don;t know what she is supposed to lay? But these poopeggs are very pale in colour? I guess they could go darker in time but they are NOT brown so I guess if she is not laying correct colour eggs maybe she is not what we thought she was afterall????????? She has massive waddles and comb now and I just looked back at the pic I put up a month gone and she only had a little tiny pee comb then. She sure has changed. The eggs have got to be hers as they other two chicks are deffinately Marans! They should not lay white!

Oes - she is a lovely hen
They are a light cream I guess almost pink? Maybe they will get darker?

Oes ????? Odd but she only just started to lay.
I had 3 rooster up until about a week ago there not a bad breed.
The Amber-Links are a "Reverse" Cross. They are the offspring from a Delaware Rooster over a Rhode Island Red Hen.
They are also commonly Delawares over a New Hampshire thus the name DelawareXHamp (aka Indian Rivers)

To know all the details of what to expect simply refer to the source breed data sheets Delaware, New Hampshire and Rhode Island Reds.

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