Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

At Christmas I hatched out a chick that was and Ameraucana x Speckled Sussex.  He had yellow feet when he hatched, but they turned white a week or so later.  He is now getting the white tips on his feathers like his mother. :lol: He started crowing at about two weeks old, silliest thing you ever heard!  :barnie   I have a problem with him, though, he tries to flog my hand every time I reach into the brooder to feed and water them.  His brooder mate is a bantam cochin, who is sooo sweet!  They are as different as night and day.  I mention this because his daddy is my blue roo, and he has started attacking me when I am around the coop. :mad:   It has happened to many times the last couple of weeks, I am ready to send him off to freezer camp. :rant I know aggression like that is often passed on genetically.  His first little apple sure didn't fall far from the tree.  Do you think I will have that problem with all his male babies?  I have 20 eggs in the incubator now, I would love to think I will have a nice roo in there somewhere.  :fl   Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Aggression is passes down by the hen not the rooster. make note of which hens the aggressive birds come from and then remove hen from the hatching eggs pool.
At least I have something to smile about! Fresh wheaties

They are so cute!!! I have six in the bator, now and they are all developing! And, is that an orp grandbaby in the top left of the picture?!?
I acquired 6 ameraucanas about a month ago. Almost finished building their coop. Here's a few pics I took earlier today. I hope you all will enjoy them as much as I do :)
Happy Mtn- She is a neat looking bird though! Love those wheatens... would love to add that color to my my barnyard. They are just so darn cute.

I can't remember know who asked about "leaking", but it just means colors other then black leaking through :)

I'm still on a search for a nice black Am rooster. Let me know if anyone is looking to part with one!

I love seeing everyones birds, even though I hardly ever have time to post.

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