An angry, out of state family member called CPS on me...

If you think that is crazy, I was on an ebay message board once and someone posted a picture of their 11 y/o son in his room, who had a knife collection and a samurai type sword on the wall. Another poster on that message board bought something from the lady with the son to obtain her address, and called CPS on her to report her. She had to do a phone interview, luckily they didn't come to do a home investigation

I'm so sorry you were reported. I don't understand how people can think that is something to toy around with

I have a friend with an autistic son who often has bruises (that he inflicts on himself). She's been reported 3x.
And THATS the whole problem in a nutshell! I see this WAY too much! Normal/good parents are being investigated over petty things and yet the crack head/drug dealer down the road gets to keep her kids because shes smart enough to know how to pass the drug tests... Grrrr!

We had neighbors several years ago, four kids. The mother drank with them, smoked with them, did drugs with them and allowed her boyfriend to abuse them(when SHE wasnt smacking them around.) The house was a diseased pit with faeces all over(needless to say the animals were neglected too.) They were called on many times but never investigated. Years later (after they moved) I heard the boyfriend almost killed one of the kids, he was damaged for life.
On the other hand, a friend of mine had an "investigation" and her child was taken away for the week because they had a big dog that was aggressive to STRANGERS(thats the key word.). It was a one family dog and wonderful with the kids.
Sigh. Often these sort of things make NO sense.
OP. I had the same thing happen to me TWICE with horrible neighbors in my life as a parent so far.
Once when I was a first time Mom and my little boy was only about 6 months old, two nasty teenage boys called CPS and said that my son was crawling around in my house in dog poop and that the house was in horrible condition. They had never even seen the inside of my home! These same boys later posioned my cat to death.

CPS showed up and saw a clean house and a clean happy baby, BUT it still went on the "record" for 7 years!!!

Then just last year my horrible nasty beyond description neighbors called CPS and said that I let my three young kids play outside all the time with no supervision and swim in the pool all the time with no adults present.
They came out and this time I didn't even have the pool up anymore, and anyone who knows me knew I would never even take the kids out to the pool without both my husband and I there because I felt outnumbered trying to keep 3 kids safe who aren't the best swimmers (one is a toddler).
The woman came out and laughed, she couldn't tell me who had called but we both knew it was them because where I had the pool faced their backyard and theirs alone, no one else could even see it and no one knew we had it.

And yet, I myself grew up in an abusive home where I prayed for CPS to come and take me away and they never did!!!! Because they spend all of their time dealing with BS from stupid people trying to get revenge!
So tomorrow is the day........CPS is coming at 10 am.

I'm not sure how this will work out, but here we are, been looking for a new place to move to for MONTHS and not getting anywhere with that, and wouldn't you know we find a place on FRIDAY! We're taking it, though.

So when she gets here tomorrow, should we tell her we plan to be moved in the next 2 weeks?
i've dealt with CPS before. when me and my ex were going to court for custody of my daughter. CPS was sent to their house because his mother was "practicing medicine" in her own household, and by that i mean, giving the grandkids presciption drugs that didnt have their names on it. Anyways, the CPS lady called me to tell me she was lost. I told her I wasnt even at home, but i was visitin my mom in a town 3 hours away. SO what did they do.. they SENT a CPS lady to visit me at my moms to talk about my daughter. Sure. I let her in. She gave me paperwork on how to spot abuse blah blah. Needless to say i didnt say much to her.
it wouldn't hurt.

CPS doesn't have to be as scary as you think. Unless they have a warrant, I'd just do an outside interview or go somewhere public. If it is another unfound report (and it sounds like it is) I'd say listen, this is inconvienent what are the specific allegations? Oh yeah, and I am busy packing because in two weeks, I'm moving so....................................
Well, I already know what the allegations are, and the only thing on the list that was true was a half truth (said I had farm animals in the house, pooping on the floor. I have chicks in the house, in an enclosed brooder, they can't fly out).

I've already met the lady once, as she showed up last Wednesday. She left because we were on our way to Physical therapy for my husband.

She wants to come back, because she said, and I quote, "We have to come in the home this time so we can see why this person keeps reporting you." This is the 2nd time this family member has reported on us.

Now, we participate in Help Me Grow, and our Home Service Coordinator has seen all of my kids from birth. She's state mandated to report anything she sees in the home. The last time we were reported, which was 4 years ago, they just talked to our Home Service Coordinator.

This time, I said they can't come in the home unless my Home Service Coordinator could be here, too. So they set up a time, 10 am on Monday. By Friday I had changed my mind. I told her no, because the allegations are false, my children's doctor records are confidential, and I'm not going to allow them to violate my HIPPA rights. She replied that they aren't the ones who violated my HIPPA rights, the one who reported us did. Then she said she'll be going to the prosecuting attorney next and getting a warrant to come into my home.

Then she said if we don't cooperate, and they take it to court, then my Home Service Coordinator from HMG will not be allowed to be here when they come, and they will come with the sheriff.

They have no court order, they have no search warrant, etc.

She said she has to see the children, doesn't need to talk to them, just needs to see them.
One of our dtrs had a nasty divorce. Our ex sil is just looking for a way to get back at us, even though we have never ever said anything bad against him. We just love our grandkids!
Yet his current "girlfriend" is a local cop. We own a local business and have several vehicles about town during the day, they and us have been targeted and repeatedly stopped. The last time this happened, the "officer" demanded my cell number, income, social security number, times I was at home or work. I told the "officer" that this information was private and before I answered anymore questions I wanted the supervisor on site and that I was going to call my lawyer.
Had to finally go to the chief of police and present my log (we had kept a harrasment log). Since we own a business I told him that the next time any of our vehicles were stopped he would be hearing from our lawyer, since our reputation was at stake here. We have been in business for 16 years and a local just hired cop is harassing us due to her relationship with our former sil.
We just want to see our grandkids without the threat of cps, cop harassment, etc...

Best bet would be to get legal representation, it has worked for us so far.

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