Any help would be good


10 Years
Oct 25, 2009
20 min N of Denver
They were supposed to hatch yesterday. I had peeping last night at 7:45 and still no pips. Any advice? My last hatch was a day late so maybe I should just wait? Was wondering how long they can peep without having a pip? Thanks
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Just be patient.
Sometimes you can hear them for over a day before they pip. Just don't open the incubator until after the hatch is complete - you could cause your humidity & temp to drop and jeopardize the hatch.
It is possible for them to hatch late if your temp was low throughout incubation. If you actually hear peeping, leave them in and don't open the incubator except to add water for humidity if you absolutely have to. If there were no peeping at all I think you might be getting different advice. However, it sounds like you have live chicks in there.

Well, I checked the eggs and they are no longer alive. Thanks for the advice guys. :

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