Any Home Bakers Here?

Looks great Debby. I do love my potatoes in them, but they are a great way to use up eggs and stuff in the frige.

Bruce, Mylar bags and O2 obsorbers, you can fill the cart with the kinnikinnik. Put the bag in a 5 gallon food grade bucket with an omni lid and its good for decades.

I like potatoes in them too, but I'm out. Next time for sure!
Quiche can have crust or not but I think a frittata needs to have potatoes.

DW was ordering from NutsOnline 2 days ago. They have whole wheat flour! So she added a 5 pound bag to her order. It arrived today about the same time as I got home from all the egg delivery and food store shopping. 4 stops for egg delivery, 5 food stores plus a stop at the in-laws retirement community to deliver requested groceries.

But the best part - My first stop was the little family owned grocery store, they had full flour shelves including KAF whole wheat so even though I knew I had some coming from NO, I bought a 5 pound bag, I'm set for some time now! I looked at the flour shelves at one of the other stores, they had maybe eight 1 lb bags of KAF organic whole wheat, no white flour at all. An improvement at least. I'll have to see if I can tell any difference between the NO and KAF flour .... other than the NO costing nearly twice as much without a shipping cost.

On the down side the healthy food store no longer carries Kinnikinnik. Dang store!!! Their GF pancake and waffle mix is really good, like many people wouldn't even know it was GF good. It is the only one we use to make waffles even though DD1 is up in Canada, don't want to contaminate the machine. The Kinnikinnik site suggests their products are sold at 2 of the big grocery stores up here, I'll have to check. If not they also sell direct, free shipping if you buy more than $50. But the "bulk" pancake mix is 4 boxes and only about $15, might be better to pay the shipping than find another $35 of stuff to buy.
Good timing for the mention of the Aldis pancake mix above. If you have an Aldis I mean. The pancake mix is good and very forgiving. I'm always adding things like mashed banana, mashed sweet potatoes, pumpkin puree, DF chocolate chips...

Now Kinnikinnik is a brand I haven't seen since I moved down here. Not that I've looked too hard after finding the Live G Free brand. And good on you for keeping the equipment/appliances GF. So many people, including my own relatives, just cannot seem to understand this.

Excellent score on the flour too. :yesss:
Life is allot easier that way have the things we use allot on hand replensih as needed
We are so close to stores here! Costco is a mile and a half and thee is a supermarket about a quarter of a mile the other way from us.

I still have the habit of being far from a store though so do most of my shopping weekly and do keep stocks of essentials for baking and cooking

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